Stavebniny DEK a.s.
Sale of building materials - building materials.
Sale of building materials - building materials.
Stavebniny DEK a. S. - roofs, facades, insulation. Wholesale, retail, sale: -building insulation materials: -hydro-insulating - asphalt strips and cardboard -insulation systems - mineral insulation, thermal insulation materials: -extruded, gradient, foam polystyrenes -building boards: -plaster boards RIGIPS, profiles -mineral ceilings -cement chipboard …
Prodej, montáž: - stropní podhledy AMF THERMATEX, ARMSTRONG, DONN, OWA - stavební systémy KNAUF, LAFARGE, RIGIPS - sádrokartonové příčky, stěny, stropy - zateplovací systémy budov, zateplení - kompletní příslušenství - tmely, profily, šrouby, bandáže barvy HET, Primalex - fasádní barvy, tmely - maltové směsi - minerální fasádní omítky - Knauf, Teranova, Staveb. chemie Slaný - tmely…
Foreign representation in the Czech Republic of the Finnish company KATEPAL OY, WOODHEAT FINLAND. Sale: -bitumen roof shingles -stoves, fireplaces, sauna stoves -components (doors, grates) Import, export, sale: -UPOFLOOR company products: -vinyl floor coverings -wooden parquet floors -products of BOTNIACARPET OY: -wool carpets. Export, export, sale: - products of PAJAKULMA…
Prodej, maloobchod: -střešní krytina -střešní okna -kanadské šindele IKO*, CRC* -aluminiové okapní systémy ARGO.
Prodej: -stavebniny -stavební materiál -hutní materiál. Stavby, rekonstrukce: -bytové, občanské -vestavby.
Work: -plumbing, roofing, carpentry and insulation Sale: - LINDAB roof elements
Wholesale, retail, sale: -complete assortment for rough construction -all building material (building materials) POROTHERM, YTONG -walling materials, POROTHERM, YTONG -roofing -cement, lime, adhesives -dry plaster mixtures, remedial plasters -sewer, waste PVC -concrete products -all fittings -insulating materials, waterproofing -stones, cast iron -indoor doors, entrance doors, door…
Exclusive importer and dealer of light-weight roofing. Onduline: - light-weight corrugated roofing and tiles OnduSteel: - light-weight gravel sheet tiles Bardoline: - asphalt shingles Fondaline: - foils against moisture and radon Bituline: - water-proofing asphalt belts. Technical-advisory services - mobile phone: 00420-602-656182.
ICOPAL s.r.o. člen Icopal Group - dodavatel širokého sortimentu hydroizolačních materiálů, střešních plášťů a jejich příslušenství. Dodává i folie skupiny Carlisle (USA).
Hydroizolační systémy pro stavebnictví. Střešní krytiny a asfaltové výrobky. Expertní systém pro návrh plochých střešních plášťů. Prodej: - oxidované pásy - SBS pásy - tepelné izolace.
Specializovaný maloobchod, velkoobchod prodej cihlové systémy.
Belgian facing bricks and grouts burnt roofing, brick paving - sale
Specialized manufacturer of fiber cement roofing and facade panels.
KERAMET - Your aluminum security - warehouse D5, EXIT 22 Shaped sheets - new shapes KERAL / KPTR 1017 - Profile KOB 1017 length 4 - 5 - 6 m in natural and lacquered design in stock. Supplier of products and semi-finished products from aluminum and its alloys, now also galvanized and titanium zinc. KERAMET, SPOL. s r.o. is a Czech supplier of aluminum profiles in natural and anodized design…
Building materials with the entire range of building materials and building materials offer plasterboard systems, thermal insulation, waterproofing, ceiling systems, wood materials, construction chemicals, roofing systems and paints. Newly also Vodo Topo Gas and door and floor centers.
Retail, sales, delivery: - construction costs -basic building materials - assortment for dry interior construction - insulating materials -plasterboards - mineral ceilings - heating system -construction chemistry -floors - coating materials -roof systems.
Building materials.. Building material.
Prodej: - stavební materiál.
Complete turnkey roof deliveries. Sales of plumbing materials and elements. Production of atypical plumbing elements. New roofs, repairs and renovations. Punching machine, 8m sheet metal bending machine.
Výroba, prodej asfaltových šindelů.
Stavebniny - materiál: Výroba: -nátěrových hmot -štěrkových izolací -zateplovacích systémů -prostředky na ochranu betonu -systémy vnějšího zateplení budov -tmely -lepidla -penetrační prostředky.
Wholesale and retail sale of building materials: -cement, lime, mortars, stucco, concrete, -bricks and brick blocks of all kinds, -tiles, tiles, grouts, adhesives, -wooden doors, frames, windows, -polystyrene, LIGNOPOR, ORSIL, etc., -sanitary ceramics, assembly foams, - cardboard BITAGIT, SKLOBIT, etc., -concrete bags and corrugated eternit, - precise YTONG blocks, -lock…