Plastics for building industry

Plastics have in the construction industry is irreplaceable, not only as materials of construction. Plastics for construction, containers are made of polypropylene, polycarbonate sheets, polymethylmetakrylát as plexiglas or the sewer pipe of polyvinyl chloride.

DAREK - Daniel Přikryl s.r.o.

In the company DAREK - Daniel Přikryl s.r.o. we will ensure the mixing of colors and you can also buy everything from building materials to painting or garden tools. According to the customer's needs, we are also ready to provide trucking with our own vehicles. Our other activities include earthworks and we are newly included in the NEW GREEN SAVINGS program. What we do: - mixing of interior…

SIMAT - Roman Dvořáček

Tinsmith work. Flat roof insulation. Insulation of flat roofs, terraces, balconies, loggias, green and walkable roofs. Insulation against radon, against petroleum products. Waterproofing - against ground moisture. Thermal insulation of pipes, bodies and fittings. Production and assembly: - roof skylights, including steel structures. Polycarbonate wall cladding.

Jan Stigler

Representation of the French company Maine Plastiques. Manufacture from plastics, plastics processing: -plastic profiles - PVC, Everwood -novoplastic boards -plastic fences, pool fencing -plastic gates, pergolas, railings, cladding profiles. Work: -pressing of printed matter: -flyers, directives, board timetables. Residence: - Napajedla, Komenského 663.


Metal production. Construction locksmithing. Work: -Locksmith. Production: -Locksmith -all construction locksmith work incl. assembly -gates, wickets, railings -metal elements for schools -small locksmith: -locks, fittings, shelves, fences, grilles, doors, greenhouses, conservatories, metal construction -advertising stands Residence: -Martinice 25, 76901.

KASKO - Formy spol. s r.o.

Development, design, construction, production: -plastic components - injection moulds. Processing: - technical documentation of injection forms, consultation, help in the area plastic injection. -common injection molding materials- PP**, PE**, ABS*, PA**, POM*, PMMA, PS**, SAN*, PVC*, PE-EVA, PC**TPE*.

SANEKO spol.s r.o.

Naše firma se zaměřuje na výrobu čístíren odpadních vod, septiků, jímek, odlučovačů ropných látek a odlučovačů tuků. Vyrábíme a dodáváme také celoplastové rodinné bazény. Držitelé ČSN EN ISO 9001:2001 a ČSN EN ISO 14 001:2009 Výroba: -nádrže z PVC, PP, PE -odlučovače ropných látek, tuků -čistírny odpadních vod ČOV -bazény -nádrže na dešťovou vodu, plastové nádrže -jímky,…

Puruplast, a.s.

The company Puruplast, a.s. buys and processes plastic waste from companies and households, further recycles these plastics and deals with the production and sale of plastic materials and products such as turf plastic paving, tiles, blocks, turf grates, composters, granulate, agglomerate, grit. Economic use of waste, plastics. Collection, purchase, sorting, processing, ecological recycling:…

HOPA CZ, s.r.o.

Production, products: - bathroom furniture - baths, shower and bath folding screens - hydromassage bath systems - wellness - glass showers and boxes - plastic sliding doors - plastic exterior and interior cladding - outdoor and indoor window sill plates - leatherette upholstery - leatherette folding doors - plastic building profiles.


BUILDING BUILDINGS, BUILDING MATERIALS. Retail, sales: -all masonry materials: - factories UNIPOL, PORFIX, YPOR, YTONG - POROTHERM, SUPERTHERM, KERATHERM brickwork -ceiling structure, beams, hurdiskas, miaka -white, hollow, solid, fireclay, face, decorative, etc. bricks -cement, lime, in lime hydrate - bagged mortars, plasters, construction adhesives, screeds, plaster,…

Laminum, s.r.o.

Laminování plastových a hliníkových profilů: -laminace sekčních lamelových garážových vrat. -fólie od výrobců RENOLIT AG typ fólie MBAS a firmy HORNSCHUCH typ fólie Life Like. Zabarvovací fixy: -dodávka zabarvovacích fixů ke každému barevnému odstínu. Záruční podmínky se dělí na: -stálobarevnost 7, 5 –10 let od typu fólie a místa použití -lepený spoj 5 let. Krycí lišty: …


Realizace, renovace, velkoobchod: -průmyslové i interiérové lité podlahy -průmyslové PVC podlahy Lock-Tile -kompletní řešení hydroizolace ploché střechy, plochých střech -strukturální oprava betonové povrchy betonových povrchů -sanace a izolace spodní stavby a zdiva -chemická nízkotlaká injektáž -injektáž materiálů na bázi epoxidu. Komplexní služby v daných odvětvích stavebnictví,…