Floor coverings

Among the most common floor covering in the interiors include PVC flooring, linoleum, marmolea, metrážové and rugs, vinyl, hardwood, laminate, cork and floating floors. In addition to the roofing can also purchase accessories, such as mats, pads or strips.

ONJASI Truhlářství s.r.o.

Onjasi Truhlářství, s.r.o. is located in the center of Zábřeh and its origin was called JOS Dřevovýroba. So if you are looking for carpentry that will produce original solid wood furniture or a wooden staircase to order then you are right here. Thanks to qualified workers, the products are made with quality and attention to detail. We will ensure implementation not only in Zábřeh, Šumperk,…

NAGY podlahy s.r.o.

Services: - laying, laying - carpets, parquets, PVC, floating floors, cork coverings - local repairs of parquet, frieze, cork and PVC floors - parquet sanding - dismantling and disposal of old coverings - leveling the floors with leveling trowels. Work: - flooring.

Karel Stemon

Truhlářství. Truhlářské práce. Výroba: - nábytek na zakázku - kuchyně, kuchyňské linky - vestavěné skříně - psací stoly - komody - atypická okna, dveře, prahy, schody, zábradlí - latě na plot, zahradní nábytek, pergoly - plovoucí podlahy. Opravy bočnic a podlahy u nákladních aut a přívěsů.

PW interier Jaroslav Horák s.r.o.

Company PW interier Jaroslav Horák s.r.o. in Olomouc provides comprehensive services in interior and exterior design. We have many years of experience in this area and we focus on reconstructions, visualizations and design of atypical interiors. You can also choose from a wide range of Sapeli doors. Design activity, design: - proposals - realization - reconstruction - study - projects,…