Building chemistry

Paints, varnishes, bonding primers, polyurethane buffer mass, polyurethane, epoxy and dispersion adhesives, thinners, solvents, and sealants belongs to a group of construction chemicals. This finds application in painting, installation, or construction of objects of various type.

MINVIT, s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales, delivery -building materials, construction material - extended assortment. -bricks - insulating materials, cardboard, polystyrene -plasterboards -welded nets -construction chemistry -colors -dry plaster mixes, mortars, facades -roof coverings -windows (including roof), doors -pavement - construction tools -concrete fence posts, vineyard soup kitchens,…

Ardex Baustoff, s.r.o.

Representation of the Austrian company GUTJAHR. Sales, consulting: - building material GUTJAHR -walls and ceilings -gray cement screed - white facade putty - internal filling and leveling trowel material -smoothing trowel -bonding, insulation -flexible adhesive mortar - waterproofing material - parquet powder adhesive with ARDURAPID effect - elastic tile adhesive …


Prodej: -koupelny, sprchy, WC -obklady, dlažby-vnitřní a venkovní -štěrkové a spárovací hmoty PCI, KIESEL -silikonové tmely -baterie všeho druhu -suché omítkové a tepelně izolační materiál HASIT, QUICK MIX -okapy, žlaby umělohmotné ACO, MEA -sádrokartony KNAUF -izolační materiály ISOVER, ORSIL, ROCKWOOL -střešní krytina -okna, dveře, stěny -střešní okna VELUX.

INVA Building Materials s.r.o.

Company INVA Building Materials s.r.o. acts as the exclusive distributor of construction chemistry SOUDAL. We supply products from an established Belgian company that represents the world leader in the development and production of polyurethane foams. We have a network of sales centers with more than forty professionally trained sales and technical representatives and provide customer service…

SP COLOR, s.r.o.

Prodej: -suché omítkové směsi -lepidla na dlažbu a obklady -vnitřní a fasádní barvy -zateplovací systémy -sanační systémy - PRINCE COLOR, PROFI AM BAU -pásovité strukturální omítky -stavební chemie - PCI -tónování na míchacích centrech MIPA a Basf -stavební nářadí.

BAY CZ s.r.o.

Sale: -accessories for heating systems - materials for house facades -accessories for drywallers - construction tools -profiles for tiling, paving, interior -silicone sealants, mounting foams -painting, painting, facade tools. Building materials: - heating systems -all construction work -glazing of loggias.

Ďuriačová Milena

Wholesale, retail, sale: -PU** foams, sealants - interior colors -adhesives for tiling, wood, instant - waterproofing coatings - sealants for joining building envelopes - adhesive tapes - technical aerosols - plumbing and heating material - bathroom equipment -pipes and fittings -pumps, ball valves -water heaters -tools, gauges, instruments - construction costs

Stafiko tech, s.r.o.

Stavebniny-maloobchod, velkoobchod, betonárka, čerpací stanice, autodoprava Stavební materiál: -B+BC -Best -Cemix -Den Braven -H+H porobetonové tvárnice -EKO KOMINY -KB Blok -Hasit -Montkov -Onduline -Rigips -Terranova -Teraso -Thermopor Zajištění dotací Zelená úspora Zednické práce Zateplovací systémy Dodávka staveb na klíč Opravy a rekonstrukce staveb Projekce,…

SIG Czech, s.r.o.

Sales and delivery: -interior systems - plasterboard systems - suspended ceilings -lighting - thermal insulation -roof windows -isolation -colors -construction chemistry - construction costs - polyethylenes -PVC cladding and windowsills -20 points of sale in the Czech Republic.