Ralodek - systém, s.r.o.
Sale, import - firewood, wood - coal - slags, gravels, sands - Aggregates - dry concrete. Road transport, freight transport of materials, fuels and bulk materials.
Sale, import - firewood, wood - coal - slags, gravels, sands - Aggregates - dry concrete. Road transport, freight transport of materials, fuels and bulk materials.
Cihelna. Výroba, prodej: -kompletní cihlový systém POROTHERM -cihly.
Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…
Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…
Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…
Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…
Wholesale, sale: - building material - wood - tiling, paving - paints varnishes - ambulance - heating - electrical installation - tools - another assortment for professionals in the construction industry, craftsmen. Rental: - Professional construction tools. Headquarters: - Pod Můstkem 884/6, Rudná u Prahy.
Wholesale, sale, building materials: -building material -Equipment of your building from A to Z -building cooperative -real estate agency -construction work.
Sale: - do-it-yourself supplies - Household Goods - gardening supplies.by - painting, wallpapering - consulting and information service. Customer line: 841111135
Concrete plant. Production, transport: - concrete.
Sale, wholesale, retail, distribution of building materials, building materials, building materials: -cements, limes, mortar mixtures, mortar -ČESKOMORAVSKÝ CEMENT, CARMEUSE CZECH REPUBLlC, CEMENT HRANICE, BAUMIT, LB CEMIX, KVK Adhesive, RENOP CZ, QUICK-MIX, GYPSTREND -wall materials -WIENERBERGER, HELUZ brick industry TERMOBRIK, TONDACH, CIHELNA MALENOVICE, YTONG HRUŠOVANY,…
Retail, sales: - building material, building materials - cements and lime - mortar mixes - masonry materials - roof coverings - concrete products - isolation - the door - roof windows - plasterboards - paving stones - construction chemistry. Headquarters: - Brno - Zábrdovice, Příkop 838/6.
Production: - building materials based on mixtures with fly ash. Use as a filling material for surface and underground spaces, for the reclamation of landfills, sludge ponds, as a building material for road construction. Company headquarters - Jívka, district Trutnov.
Stavebniny: - Opava, Bochenkova ulice - tel.:553625436. Velkoobchod, prodej: - staviva. Stavební materiály: - cihlářské výrobky - sádrové tvárnice - cement - vápno.
Velkoobchod, prodej: - staviva - hutní materiály. Stavební materiály: - cihlářské výrobky - cement - vápno - stavební chemie - vybavení koupelen - betonové výrobky - izolační materiály - lepenky - sádrokarton - dveře - klempířské výrobky - stavební nářadí - svařované rohože. Hutní materiály.
The company LOSERT spol. s. r. o. deals with the sale of a complete range of bulk building materials, fuels, building materials, decorative and construction gravel, sand, quarry stone, black and brown coal. It offers the entire range with home delivery with the option of paying by card. You can choose from these materials: - gravel - sand - filter and hygienic sand for children's sandpits…
Construction activity. Turnkey constructions. Turnkey family houses. Low-energy turnkey family houses. Attic. Attic installations, superstructures. Delivery and installation of stairs. Engineering activity. Projection, designing, project documentation: - construction - family houses - industrial, agricultural buildings - residential, industrial zones. Thermal insulation of…
Company STAVEBNINY ANDRLA s.r.o. based in Opava opened new building in the former brickworks, where it offers a large selection of building materials, including bricks, reinforcing steel and welded nets. There is also a color mixing center. You can find the following assortment in building materials: - building material - Hydro isolation - interlocking pavement - terrace paving -…
The company Andrla CZ s.r.o. is engaged in the production and sale of concrete blocks for the construction of retaining walls and terraces, supplying quality material throughout the Czech Republic. If you are looking for a suitable material for the implementation of a temporary construction, concrete blocks (blocks) are the right solution for you. During the implementation of the order, we…
Autodoprava: - sypké materiály. Prodej a dovoz: - betonové směsi - štěrk - struska - písek - kamenivo - štěrkodrť - okrasný štěrk - okrasné valouny: - malé a velké - světlé - cement. Mezinárodní nákladní autodoprava a spedice.
Stavby a rekonstrukce střech. Stavby a rekonstrukce obytných a rodinných domů. Stavby rodinných domů na klíč (i nízkoenergetických). Demolice staveb. Prodej stavebních materiálů. Prodej solárních panelů všech druhů.
Pobočka. Stavebniny. Prodej: - stavební materiál - tepelné izolace - zámkové dlažby - sanitární technika. Sídlo: - Hlučínská 484/61, Ostrava - Přívoz.
Nákladní autodoprava: - vnitrostátní i mezinárodní. Prodej, doprava: - štěrk - písek - betonové směsi. Autoservis: - nákladní vozidla. Karosářské, mechanické práce. Spedice.
Výroba, prodej: -pískovcový obklad, umělý kámen -betonové výrobky -plotové díly (oplocení). Prodej: -obkladačky, obklady -dlaždičky, blažby do koupelen -kamna, krbové vložky ABX, ITAAS SOHN, BEF, ROMOTOP, BANADOR, EDIL KAMIN, HARK COMPANY, RIO.
Construction company. Complex construction work: - turnkey family houses - reconstruction, modernization, additions, extensions - thermal insulation of buildings - masonry, plastering works. Business activity. Delivery, sale, assembly: - wooden windows, euro windows - REHAU plastic windows - plasters - facade colors - ATMOS gasification boilers.