E-STŘECHY Skácel s.r.o.
Sales, e-shop: - roofing - roof foil - gutter systems - flues - roof accessories - plumbing tools.
Sales, e-shop: - roofing - roof foil - gutter systems - flues - roof accessories - plumbing tools.
Sale: - heat insulation - building materials for the construction of passive and low-energy buildings Services: - construction supervision
Sale: - building materials - masonry materials - thermal insulation - construction chemistry - paints - chimney systems - joinery materials - stoves - electric hand tools - gardening tools - fasteners - peat, mulch bark.
Production and processing of polystyrene - boards, packaging, formwork made of polystyrene foam - facade and building elements made of polystyrene.
Building company - apartment construction - repairs of listed buildings and historic buildings - masonry work - carpentry work - carpentry work - locksmith work. Building materials, sale of building materials - cement - sands, aggregates - insulating material - roofing - construction chemistry - plasterboard.
Projection, delivery, assembly: -Hydro isolation - geomembrane protection
Delivery: - construction chemistry - insulating materials - natural and artificial stone.
Production, sale: - heat insulating consoles
Road freight transport, distribution, distribution and storage of goods - international and domestic transport. Sales of asphalt roof shingles and asphalt waterproofing strips.
Carpentry, roofing - turnkey roofs - wooden buildings, garden houses, gazebos - carpentry work - roofing work. Sale - roofing - gutter systems - roofing foil - isolation.
Delivery, sale: -sprayed insulation materials - indoor and outdoor - waterproofing coatings for roofs - injected cast foam
Carlisle EPDM Roofing Sheet Distribution - waterproofing film.
Lakýrnické a natěračské práce Prodej a montáž - žaluzie Prodej - těsnění Hydroizolace plochých střech Zámečnické práce
ADITEX, SPOL. s r.o. is a Czech manufacturer of ADITIZOL coatings, which it has been supplying to the Czech and foreign markets since 2015. The company's goal is to supply the market with products that do not harm the environment. Production and products are certified by the Technical and Testing Institute Prague, s.p.
Prodej - zateplovací systémy Prodej - stropní desky - lepené vyrovnávací předstěny - příčky všech druhů - instalační dvojité příčky Prodej - fasádní systémy - fasádní studio Montáž a prodej - sádrokarton - sádrokartonové příčky a podhledy - sádrokartonové konstrukce Fasády
Výstavba - dřevostavby Prodej - foukaná tepelná izolace ISOCELL Výstavba a stavba - nízkoenergetické a pasivné domy
Dodávka - fóliové hydroizolační systémy Opravy - střechy
Sales and online store - wooden boards Eshop - roof coverings - roof windows VELUX, FAKRO, ROTO, DACHSTAR - thermal insulation - attic stairs - wooden boards Sales and online store - thermal insulation Sales and online store - attic stairs Sales and online store - roof coverings Sales and online store - roof windows VELUX, FAKRO, ROTO, DACHSTAR.
Sale: - technical insulation - rubber insulation - insulating cold sleeves - polyethylene insulation
Dodávka - fasádní zateplovací obklady VINYL SIDING Zateplování staveb CLIMATIZER PLUS - foukaná izolace - zateplování fasád Sádrokartony
Dodávka - žaluzie - rolety - sítě proti hmyzu Dodávka - těsnění
Výroba - reklamní předměty Výroba - reklamní poutače a fólie auta, okna - celopolepy automobilů Výroba - světelná reklama Výroba - termoizolační fólie Tisk - vizitky - letáky
Services: - additional thermal insulation of windows using insulating double glazing, plastic frames and BET system
Wholesale and retail - building materials
Sale - all building materials, including transport to the construction site