Building timber

In the construction of roofs, roof trusses or entire structures applied to construction lumber. In this assortment you will find impregnated and untreated battens, boards, planks, beams, planks, prisms and mainly of coniferous trees, like spruce, fir and pine or larch.


Building materials, wholesale, retail, sale: -bulk material, bricks, common building material material, doors, windows, cement, tiles, tiles, mortar, lime. Branch: - Bohumínská 404/14, 733 01 Karviná -tel./fax: 596 311 061.

Radim Čajka - Pila Čajka

Saw. Production, wholesale, retail, sale: - all construction timber: - prisms - up to 13 m long - fosny - boards - slats - fence posts - boards - cut - log. Production, sale: - fuel scraps - waste in the fireplace. Purchase - logs: - from private owners. Cutting - prisms, boards, chisels. Wood impregnation. Shop: - Hornopolní 36, 702 00 Ostrava 1 -…


Wholesale, retail, sale: - floorboards, - building timber, - prisms. boards, planks, slats, - OSB boards - fences - joints - wooden handles - door sills - wooden palisades - wooden slats - firewood - thermoWood Products: prisms and planks, slabs and roof battens, building boards cladding boards, planed boards, terrace boards, moldings and prisms, KVH and BSH prisms, plywood and…

Martin Oslanec

Prodej: - řezivo pro konstrukce krovů - stavební řezivo - hoblované řezivo na altány, pergoly, garážová stání - lešeňové podlážky - odřezky na topení - tyčky ke stromečkům, rajčatům. Stolařská výroba, dřevovýroba.