Obchodní a redakční systémy - internetové prezentace
Vývoj: - webové aplikace
Návrhy - interiéry Reklamní a PR servis Grafický design - předtisková příprava Webdesign
Internetová řešeníslužby v oblasti internetové grafiky
Services: - custom web application development - website creation
Activity: - sale and assembly of computer technology - services in the field of internet and multimedia presentation - computer network management
Development, creation: - website - internet applications
Service, repair and installation - computers, laptops, PCs. Web design - website creation. SEO optimization, creation of e-shops.
Services: - advertising - website builder - cut advertising - logos - graphic design of printed materials
Services: - corporate identity - printed matter -photography -arrangement -cover design -billboards -sticky advertisement - web design
Advertising marketing - Internet consulting - web design.
SEO optimalizace Výroba - www stránky - internetové obchody a aplikace - redakční systémy
Services: - web design - creation of websites
Services: - web design -Graphic Design -copywriting -photography - video services -seo optimization
Service: - office and computer technology. Sale: - toners - cartridges - fillings - inks - filling sets - cartridges. Creation: - advertisement - websites.
Prodej - mobilní telefony - osobní počítače IBM, TESCO, AUTOCONT - tiskárny - scannery - doplňky. Projekce a instalace - sítě.
Network management. Service and repair of computers, PCs, laptops. Creation of websites, web design.