Jiří Brabec - JiMi Computers
Sales, retail, repair, service: -computers -computing -software
Sales, retail, repair, service: -computers -computing -software
Služby: -webdesign -programování -grafické práce
Services: -Internet connection. - administration, service of computer networks. -installation of security equipment.
Services: - graphic works - programming
Activity: - computer services - web design - computer courses
Production - websites Web hosting. Consulting in the field of IT.
Services: - web design - internet marketing - SEO, PPC, PR
Services: -IT consultancy - administration of computer networks - software installation
Services: - web design - implementation of templates for the Wordpress publishing system - internet applications
IT consultancy Internet marketing Internet connection Web design.
Retail, service: - computing Sales, assembly: - antennas Installation of a computer network.
Services: - computer courses - creation of www pages - data processing - consulting HW, SW
Delivery: - hardware - refills for printers. Hardware service. Providing consultancy in the field of IT. Construction and maintenance of computer networks.
Delivery, sale, retail: -hardware -computers Services: - web design - web hosting -Internet Access - programming
Služby: - poradenství v marketingu - odborné SEO konzultace - optimalizace a pomoc při vytváření PR strategie
Delivery - computer hardware, laptops, servers Administration, service - IT servers, printers, laptops Designing - LAN, WAN computer networks Data - backup.
Development, production: - Content Management System Services: - website creation. pages - creating software - hosting
Reklamní agentura DTP studio Tvorba - www stránky Vývoj - databázové systémy
Instalace, údržba, správa - počítačové sítě
Services - web presentation, web design - online stores - internet applications - application programming
Services: - web design -SEO optimization - programming
Webdesign Webhosting Poradenství - výpočetní technika
Activity: - website creation - web design - SEO optimization
Wine shop - cask and bottled wines. Services in the field of computer technology: - PC service - sale of HW, SW - programming - creation of WWW pages.