Complete car repairs

Complete repair of cars includes changing the oil, filters and piping, replacement of brake systems, performance of air conditioning and replacement of shock absorbers. Copes also with the defects after the traffic accident, including repair of body, repla

Petr Kolek - Trikol - autovrakoviště, autoservis, pneuservis

The company Petr Kolek, based in Horní Těrlicko, sells spare parts and car accessories. We also run online sales of exhausts and accessories. We also offer car service, tire service and environmental disposal of vehicles. Services: -car dealership - car service, diagnostics - preparation of vehicles for MOT, including design. - service and filling of air conditioning - tire service. -…

Pavel Musil

Prodej - náhradní díly možno i na splátky od firmy ESSOX Prodej - skútry i na splátky od firmy ESSOX Prodej - pneumatiky (i na splátky od firmy ESSOX) Servis - skútry Servis - osobní automobilydiagnostika řídících jednotek - možnost zapůjčení náhradního vozidla - opravy osobních vozů (možno i na splátky od firmy ESSOX) Pneuservis Čištění interiérů tepování i…

Pavel Šebek - Albody - Nástavby a přestavby užitkových vozidel

Superstructures and conversions for utility vehicles. We are a small family business with a long history that focuses on superstructures and conversions for commercial vehicles. Over time and due to customer requirements, our activity was expanded to include other types of superstructures, both box and, above all, flatbed, tipping and towing. We have further expanded our offer to include…