Inland bus service

The national bus service provides transport of persons throughout the Czech republic. Luxury and air-conditioned buses and minibuses connecting You to sightseeing tours, wellness getaways or vacation. Take advantage of the rent a bus to transport a larger number of people.

CDS s.r.o.

Road, freight and passenger transport: -national and international freight transport -national and international bus transport -customs services (Intrastat, JSD, T1, guarantee, warehouses) -domestic and international forwarding (extraction of vehicles, employment of vehicles) -sales of diesel, gasoline, spare parts, oils, antifreezes -storage of products and materials -storage,…


Transport: - regular public bus service - touring bus service - sale of fuels. Currently we operate regular public bus service on 47 scheduled lines, mostly within the territory of the former districts of Nachod and Rychnov nad Kneznou. We significantly participate in provision of transport services in the region of Hradec Kralové, not even activities in other areas, e.g. in the…

BusLine a.s.

Road motor transport: - personal. . Services: - provision of transport services by bus in the regions: Liberecký, Králové Hradecký, Ústecký and Středočeský - operating a tour bus BUS KAROSA, SOR, VOLVO, MAN, including CLIMA BUS - providing transport for CK to Greece, Croatia, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Africa, Asia - sale of spare parts, oils, PHM, liquids -…

Josef Pohl

Autoškola-Autodoprava-Akreditace -Výuka a výcvik řidičů: -získání ŘO: A1, A, B, AB, BE, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE Školení řidičů: -Akreditace řidičů PZ -7-35-140-280-hodin -Referentské řidičů RF -4-8-hodin -kondiční jízdy + přezkoušení -přezkušování v rozsahu AM, A1, A, B, AB, BE, T, C, CE, D, DE -Výuka MO:AM, A1, A18, A21(Hondy 3x CBF)(Suzuki-Marauder) OA: -B1, B, BE(Golf-6)…

RYDO, spol. s.r.o.

The company RYDO spol. s r.o. Česká Třebová was established in 1999. The construction company performs construction work, engineering work, demolition, crane work, earthworks, sale of building materials, operates road and bus freight transport. Execution of constructions, their changes and removal. Construction of roads, sidewalks and their repairs. Masonry and tiling work. Cutting concrete and…

Martin Bašista

Přeprava: -osobní -autobusová. Doprava nákladní: -tuzemská -zahraniční -kamiónová mezinárodní. Autojeřáby do 28 tun*. Zemní práce: -bagr UDS* 114. Autopůjčovna: -osobní vozidla -dodávková vozidla.