Inland bus service

The national bus service provides transport of persons throughout the Czech republic. Luxury and air-conditioned buses and minibuses connecting You to sightseeing tours, wellness getaways or vacation. Take advantage of the rent a bus to transport a larger number of people.

Oldřich Haluza

Autodoprava. Mikrobusová přeprava. -vozový park v kategorii mikrobusů v Jihomoravském kraji s obsaditelností až 21 osob -přeprava osob po ČR i zahraničí pro široké spektrum zákazníků -přeprava, mikrobusy značky Volkswagen a Ford Transit s obsaditelností 13+1, 16+1, 17+1 a 20+1 míst.

Miroslav Bláha

Cestovní agentura a Autobusová doprava Poskytujeme kompletní dopravní služby v oblasti tuzemské a zahraniční přepravy osob vozidly splňujícími předpisy EU pro přepravu osob. Provozujeme Cestovní agenturu.

Autobusy Vyskočil

The family bus company Autobusy Vyskočil offers professional services in the field of domestic and international bus transport. We own comfortable buses in perfect technical condition and our willing drivers are ready to meet your requirements. Our services:  - domestic bus service  - international bus service  - tour bus service  - passenger transport by minibuses  - transport for school…


Společnost JAN DAMAŠEK s.r.o. se zabývá tuzemskou a mezinárodní přepravu osob. Nabízíme dopravu pro skupiny, školní kolektivy, sportovní oddíly i firemní klientelu. Sídlíme v Českých Budějovicích. Naše služby: - přeprava osob - vnitrostátní autobusová doprava - mezinárodní autobusová doprava - zájezdová autobusová doprava - mikrobusy - přeprava osobními vozy. Půjčovna, zapůjčení…


Company DUBOVSKÝ BUS s.r.o. operates both domestic and international bus services. We offer reliable and comfortable passenger transport throughout Europe with modern buses and vans. We provide tour bus service at the highest level. The fleet consists of comfortably equipped coaches with a capacity of 3 to 53 seats and vans. We have buses with seat belts on each seat and professional drivers with…

TomiTrans Chrudim, s.r.o.

TomiTrans Chrudim, s. r. o. is a reliable partner for providing transport and logistics services. Our employees have many years of experience, and our company also has a high-quality vehicle fleet, which is a guarantee of quality services. We provide the following activities: - bus and minibus passenger transport - freight transport by vehicles from 3.5 - 24 t - logistic services and…

Minibusová doprava CupákBus

Pokud hledáte pohodlnou a příjemnou přepravu pro sebe a své blízké, zkuste CupákBus. Je to minibusová doprava, která se specializuje na menší skupiny cestujících. Ať už jedete na dovolenou, na oslavu, na školení, na kulturní akci, na sportovní zážitek nebo na jiný výlet, CupákBus vám zajistí bezpečnou a rychlou cestu. S CupákBus se necítíte jako v davu, ale jako v rodině. Naši řidiči jsou milí…

Autodoprava Novotný - Ing. Josef Novotný

The company Autodoprava Novotný, based in the district of Rychnov nad Kněžnou, offers passenger transport mainly in the Orlické Hory area and its surroundings. We have a non-smoking Iveco Daily bus for 19 seated passengers (plus 5 standing). The bus is equipped with air conditioning and, for the winter, independent additional heating. At the same time, we also offer the possibility of…

Klubové zařízení Plumlov - příspěvková organizace

The Plumlov club facility, a contribution organization founded by the city of Plumlov, provides for Plumlov and other city organizations road passenger motor transport, special passenger line transport and collection of clothes for dry cleaners and collection of shoe repairs. We also operate physical education and sports facilities and facilities for regeneration and rehabilitation, we provide…

Michal Dlabač

The company Michal Dlabač, based in the Příbram district, offers public irregular or one-off domestic and international bus and passenger transport for school, cultural or sports events. If you need to arrange transport for a school trip, holiday by the sea, a trip to the mountains or you are going to a cultural event in a large group, you can rely on our company. We offer luxuriously equipped…