Road constructions

The company providing transport of construction is mainly concerned with the construction and repair of bridges, implementation of earthworks, repair of roads and paved surfaces, construction and repair of tram tracks and the implementation of engineering networks.

CHEMIA SYSTEM GEO s.r.o. - Hydroizolační drenážní systémy Praha

Application of special insulating materials. Environmental construction services. We create turnkey projects. Provides complete service, project design, delivery and assembly of material:  - insulation foils  - geotextiles  - reinforcement  - geocomposite drainage systems.  - Road and motorway construction materials. We supply reinforcement systems for subsoil reinforcement for:  -…

DAP. a.s. - Dlaždičské a asfaltérské práce Praha

Reconstruction and maintenance of land roads in Prague and its surroundings We provide: - paving work Tile work: - reconstruction of pavements, paving, pedestrian   zones - construction, repair of sidewalks, pedestrian zones - roads, roads Asphalt works: - repairs of potholes, roads, roadways - casting of continuous surfaces   asphalt, asphalt mixtures - laying of asphalt surface,…

Asfaltování Málek Praha - Oprava, řezání vozovek a chodníků

Repair of pavements and sidewalks in Prague. Demolition and disposal of asphalt Resin recycling and laying:  - hot materials supplied by you or us  - we process asphalt blocks or milled material  - Laying of bitumen by hand or by Finisher. Services:  - cutting of roads  - repair of roads  - asphalt laying  . milling and joint grout. Road cutting:  - roadways, sidewalks  - roads…

COLAS CZ, a.s. - silniční stavitelství

General contractor of road construction in the Czech Republic. The activities of our company include road construction, ie construction, reconstruction, repairs and other work on roads and bridges. We also deal with the construction and reconstruction of engineering networks and railway structures, and our other activities also include stone mining and the production of crushed aggregates,…

MVD stavby spol. s r.o.

Společnost MVD stavby spol. s r.o. se zabývá širokým spektrem stavebních prací. Nabízíme kompletní služby v oblasti novostaveb, včetně nízkoenergetických a pasivních domů, a to jak zděnou technologií, tak i pomocí moderních stavebních metod. Provádíme zemní práce, výstavbu zpevněných ploch jako jsou komunikace, chodníky a parkoviště, a také výstavbu inženýrských sítí. Také se specializujeme na…

POZKOM, s.r.o. - Opravy a rekonstrukce komunikací Praha

We are a Prague company that carries out asphalt laying, reconstruction and maintenance of roads. Our main focus is the repair and reconstruction of roads and earthwork associated with it. We provide individual approach to your project, non-binding offer within 24h. We realize orders from 10 000, - CZK and start of work within 1 week of order. Services: Repair and reconstruction of roads:…


Construction company carrying out all construction activities throughout the Czech Republic. A satisfied customer is the goal of our company. Construction of family houses on a turnkey basis. Wooden buildings. Construction and repair of paved surfaces and roads. We carry out reconstructions, paving, tiling works, then plasterboard works, earthworks and entire buildings.


We focus on providing comprehensive services in the field of construction. As the name of our company suggests, we are engaged in business in the field of land and transport construction. Our work includes the construction of residential and non-residential buildings and transport structures, including their reconstruction. We are careful, reliable and we approach each order individually…

Borys Chyzhma

The company Borys Chyzma deals with the implementation of all construction works. As part of our activity, we offer, for example, the production of foundation boards, rough construction, plastering, facades, floors, ceilings, tiling, paving, plasterboard work, painting, electrical installation work, plumbing work, reconstruction of apartments and houses, thermal insulation, waterproofing,…

JDS Invest, s.r.o.

Kompletní stěhovací služby Výstavba - čističky Topenářské práce Investiční činnost Kompletní správa nemovitostí Údržbářské práce - úklidové služby Rekonstrukce památek Zakládání staveb Realizace komunikací, chodníků a parkovišť Stavební činnost - hrubé stavby - kompletní výstavba domů na klíč - rekonstrukce bytových jader, rodinných…

Kmch, s.r.o.

Sanace - spáryfasádní zateplovací systémy Řezání - betonové povrchy do hloubky 35 cm Vývrty světelných návěstidel na leteckých plochách do průměru 350 mm Řezání, zalévání spar (živičné a betonové vozovky) - frézování a zalití divokých trhlin (živičné a betonové vozovky) - prořezání, vybourání drážek pro osazení chrániček pro elektrické kabely včetně jejich zabetonování na…

DV - Level, s.r.o.

Construction, repair, service, services: - roads, forest paths, communication - maintenance of roads - water management structures - revitalization of waterways and ponds - damming of streams - construction of retaining, gravity and gabion walls