Reconstruction and revitalization

Give an older apartment a touch of novelty by using the reconstruction or revitalization. Experts may, in the context of adjustments to carry out the dismantling of the old equipment, the reconstruction of apartment core, replacement of windows and interior doors, replacement of electrical wiring, painting walls and laying floors.

LB stav s.r.o. - stavební firma

We are a construction company with a long tradition. We implement all types of orders in the field of construction. We realize the construction of family houses on a turnkey basis, just as we carry out the reconstruction of buildings, we have also realized projects outside the Czech Republic, specifically in Great Britain or Germany. We also insulate the facades of all types of buildings.…


Construction projects for: - residential construction, family houses - reconstruction of objects -administrative buildings - dormitories - health centers - school facilities -production halls -storage areas - sports facilities Engineering activity Project documentation for subsidies.

INSTPOL - Václav Šůcha

Firma INSTPOL Václav Šůcha se specializuje na instalatérství a stavební práce. Zde je přehled jejich činností: - Kanalizace: INSTPOL provádí instalaci vnitřních i vnějších kanalizací, následně zprovoznění a servis. Často také provádějí čištění kanalizací. - Voda: Montují a dodávají bojlery, sporáky, vany, bidety, baterie a WC. Mezi jejich služby patří také prodej vodovodních čerpadel. -…

PALELI s.r.o. - stavebnictví

Hledáte spolehlivou a zkušenou stavební firmu, která vám pomůže s vašimi plány? Chcete si nechat postavit nový dům, zrekonstruovat starý byt nebo zateplit fasádu? Pak je pro vás ideální volbou PALELI s.r.o., firma s více než 10 lety pracovních zkušeností v oblasti stavebnictví. PALELI s.r.o. je společnost s ručením omezeným, která nabízí širokou škálu stavebních služeb, jako jsou dlaždičské…

Zdeněk Čech - stavební a zednické práce

Pokud hledáte firmu, která vám zajistí kvalitní a spolehlivé zednické práce, stavbu a rekonstrukci rodinných domů, pokládku obkladů, dlažeb, plovoucích podlah, stavbu plotů a krbů, pak je pro vás správnou volbou firma Zdeněk Čech. Firma Zdeněk Čech sídlí ve městě Rokycany a má dlouholeté zkušenosti s realizací různých stavebních projektů a nabízí svým zákazníkům kompletní servis. Provádí…

Jiří Piňos

Jiří Piňos based in Třemošná is engaged in the implementation of industrial floors, facades, plasters, insulation and construction work. We provide: - concrete screeds, reinforced concrete, anhydrite floors,   industrial concrete floors, cast floors, epoxy   floors, antistatic trowels, floors for family houses,   garages, warehouses, cellars, halls and industrial buildings - machine…

eSVe Stav s.r.o.

The company eSVe Stav s.r.o. specializes in the complete revitalization of houses and public buildings. We have many years of experience in the field and we have implemented over 300 events, over 250,000 m2 of insulated facades, over 2,000 balconies and loggias and many other orders. Our portfolio of services therefore includes insulation of apartment and panel houses, facades, roofs,…

SILBA-Elstav s.r.o. - stavby a rekonstrukce

Construction, design and electrical installation company. Construction work: -construction, reconstruction and modernization apartment and family houses -performing facades -plasterboard, attic installations -locking paving -construction of sidewalks and roads with bituminous surface -construction and reconstruction of HV and LV networks -cable distribution -electrical work …

Vladimír Švarc

The construction company Vladimír Švarc offers the construction of family houses on a turnkey basis. We will provide you with a complete service, from the project to earthworks and the construction of the foundations, connecting the building to utility networks to the construction itself. We will also ensure the improvement of the surroundings of your house, we also build swimming pools, garages,…

Kvasnička Eduard

We carry out turnkey apartment and bathroom renovations. We will advise you on which quality equipment such as showers, bathtubs, sinks to buy so that they serve you as long as possible. Masonry and plumbing work.

Petr Šobr - Stavební firma Šobr

Our construction company Šobr offers complete construction and masonry work, reconstruction of residential and non-residential premises, turnkey constructions, construction of family houses, painting and varnishing work. Construction activity: - masonry work, masonry - reconstruction of bathrooms, apartment cores and non-residential premises - construction of family houses, apartment…

Jaroslav Draxal

Zabýváme se většinou stavebních prací, zaměřujeme se na rekonstrukce RD, bytových jednotek aj. V interiéru se zabýváme podlahářskými, malířskými, zednickými a truhlářskými pracemi.

HLAVLA s.r.o.

Novostavby, rekonstrukce, obklady a dlažby, krby, fasády, ploty a kamenné zdi, stavění z kamene, zámkové dlažby, betonové podlahy a izolace, komíny, zemní práce, základové desky, sklepy, septiky, jímky, inženýrské sítě, úprava terénu, kanalizace, sádrokarotny, rekonstrukce střech

Miroslav Vrhel - Stavební firma

Construction company Miroslav Vrhel focuses on the construction of houses, as well as reconstruction and repair of buildings. Within our activities we provide complex services, we provide design and architectural preparation, engineering activities including the implementation of the entire turnkey construction. We also carry out reconstruction of office buildings, production and storage…

MYPA STAV realizace a rekonstrukce bytů a koupelen s.r.o.

MYPA STAV realization and reconstruction of flats and bathrooms s.r.o. performs all construction work associated with the reconstruction and modification of the interior. We offer quality, reliability and a fixed completion date. You will find our headquarters in Pilsen. Construction work: - reconstruction of bathrooms, apartment cores - reconstruction, interior and kitchen modifications …

WH STAWO Přeštice s.r.o.

Company WH STAWO Přeštice s.r.o. is mainly specialized in construction and reconstruction of family houses and apartment buildings. We also build industrial buildings, commercial and non-commercial buildings, roads and civil engineering. On the ground floor of our company you can buy a wide range of facade and interior colors .. You can find us at Komenského 75, Přeštice, district Plzeň-jih. …

KOTestav s.r.o.

Our company from Pilsen offers its customers the reconstruction of apartments, house reconstruction, building insulation, facade plastering, paving, tiling, painting work, installation of plasterboard and plasterboard structures. Our activity: - reconstruction of houses and flats - minor construction work - insulation work - insulation of buildings - laying tiles - floor work …