Reconstruction and revitalization

Give an older apartment a touch of novelty by using the reconstruction or revitalization. Experts may, in the context of adjustments to carry out the dismantling of the old equipment, the reconstruction of apartment core, replacement of windows and interior doors, replacement of electrical wiring, painting walls and laying floors.

Roman Divacký

Complete service in the field of construction and related services. Construction services: - construction work - turnkey constructions - interlocking paving - construction of family houses - facade insulation - fences - facade coatings - reconstruction of interiors of family houses - masonry work.

Jiří Pavelka

Stavební práce: - Kompletní zednické práce - Rekonstrukce domů, bytů - Fasády a sádrokartóny - Malířské a natěračské práce - Plastová okna - Bourací práce, výkopy - Úklidové a čistící práce - Ostatní stavební práce. Zahradnické práce: - Sekání trávy - Úpravy terénu - Práce s křovinořezem - Frézování pařezů, štípání a řezání dřeva - Štěpkování dřevin - Čištění…

Jaroslav Hrabec

Building - fireplaces Warming up - in the GREEN SAVINGS program Sale - tiling - paving stones Plasterboard works - in the GREEN SAVINGS program Laying - tiling - paving stones - in the GREEN SAVINGS program Facades - minor construction work - in the GREEN SAVINGS program

Martin Čeliňák

Demolition work All construction work - reconstruction of housing cores and entire family houses including plumbing, electrical and tiling services - including ensuring the removal of all debris and unnecessary waste

Martin Hečko

Construction activity: - complete realization of constructions - civil, residential, industrial buildings - reconstruction - demolition - turnkey roofs - reconstruction and implementation of bathrooms - thermal insulation - isolation - earthworks and excavations - industrial floors

Milan Mihula

The Milan Mihula company offers its customers all construction and masonry work, which includes everything from the complete construction of family houses, reconstruction of buildings to minor building modifications. We specialize mainly in building insulation systems and machine plaster. We have many years of practice and experience. We attach great importance to every order and we approach it…

Miroslav Rejman

Firma Miroslav Rejman se zabývá komplexními zednickými pracemi. V rámci své činnosti provádí také pokládku obkladů a dlažeb, zateplování fasád a stavbu bazénů. Současně realizuje rekonstrukce bytů a domů. Působí především v okrese Svitavy.