Reconstruction and revitalization

Give an older apartment a touch of novelty by using the reconstruction or revitalization. Experts may, in the context of adjustments to carry out the dismantling of the old equipment, the reconstruction of apartment core, replacement of windows and interior doors, replacement of electrical wiring, painting walls and laying floors.

David Kačeriak

The David Kačeriak company offers comprehensive construction work in the Bruntál district. As part of our activity, we deal with, for example, building construction, conversions and reconstructions. You can contact us with a request for masonry work, laying tiles and paving, and more. We are located in Bruntál at Jesenická Street 790/22.

Tomáš Krivošík

Mr. Tomáš Krivošík, based in Karviná in the Moravian-Silesian region, deals with all masonry work according to the customer's request. As part of its activity, it also offers plasterboard and tiling works and the laying of outdoor paving. You can also contact us with a request for the implementation of plastering, leveling floors, reconstruction of housing cores, insulation of facades and…

D&D-construct s.r.o.

The company D&D-construct s.r.o. based in the Moravian-Silesian region, deals with all construction works. As part of our activity, we mainly implement the construction of family houses on a turnkey basis and the reconstruction of interiors and exteriors of houses, apartments, as well as corporate and public spaces. We also deal with, for example, the laying of tiling and paving, carpentry…

Stavby Svoboda - Marian Svoboda

The company Stavby Svoboda carries out construction of family houses, reconstruction of residential and non-residential premises, reconstruction of bathrooms. The menu includes attic additions and landscaping. Handles all documentation, budgets and advises. It offers complete construction work at an affordable price. The company focuses on Central Bohemia and the surrounding area. You can find…

MadaB s.r.o.

The company MadaB s.r.o. offers quality services in the field of blown insulation. Our fast and efficient installation provides energy efficient solutions for both single-family homes and commercial buildings. We insulate roofs, ceilings and floors. Blown insulation reliably reduces heating costs and increases living comfort. THERMOFLOC insulation has excellent thermal and acoustic insulation…

BerryBuildings s.r.o. - realizace staveb

Hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní firmu, která vám pomůže s výstavbou nebo rekonstrukcí vašeho domu? Chcete si zkrášlit interiér nebo exteriér své nemovitosti? Pak je pro vás ideální volbou firma BerryBuildings s.r.o., Sviadnov. Zabýváme se výstavbou rodinných domů na klíč, rekonstrukcí starších objektů, sádrokartonářskými pracemi, obklady a dlažbami, úpravami interiérů a exteriérů. Používáme…

Jan Žiga

Firma Jan Žiga se specializuje na stavební a zednické práce v Havířově a okolí. Nabízíme širokou škálu služeb, jako jsou zámkové dlažby, výkopové a pomocné práce, rekonstrukce bytů a domů, omítky, instalace vody a topení a další. Máme má dlouholeté zkušenosti a spokojené zákazníky, kteří oceňují kvalitu, spolehlivost a férové ceny. Pokud máte zájem o naše služby, neváhejte nás kontaktovat.…

Rekonstrukce a zednické práce Ostrava - Martin Petruška

Hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní firmu, která se postará o rekonstrukci vašeho bytu nebo domu? Chcete si dopřát nové obklady, dlažby, omítky, podlahy nebo sádrokartonové stropy? Potřebujete se zbavit starého nábytku nebo věcí, které už nepotřebujete? Pak jste na správném místě! Společnost Rekonstrukce a zednické práce Ostrava je vaším ideálním partnerem pro všechny tyto práce. Dbáme na precizní…

Hodinový manžel - Daniel Janovský

Hodinový manžel - Daniel Janovský je společnost, která nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro domácnosti. Ať už potřebujete opravit, zrekonstruovat, zkrášlit nebo zabezpečit svůj byt, dům nebo zahradu, můžete se spolehnout na profesionální a kvalitní práci Hodinového manžela. Hodinový manžel je služba pro každého, kdo z nějakého důvodu není schopen vykonat potřebnou práci na zahradě v bytě nebo…

Filip David

Our company, based in Opava in the Moravian-Silesian region, deals with complex construction activities, including renovations. In addition to all construction work, our construction activities also include facade insulation, tiling and paving, and plasterboard work. Our offer: - complex construction activity - reconstruction - insulation of facades - laying tiles and paving -…

Zednictví Sliž

Zednictví Sliž, based in the Moravian-Silesian region, in the village of Bystřice, deals with the renovation of apartments and the construction of family houses. We also perform insulation of facades and plaster repairs, laying interlocking paving, building a fence or we will also build a swimming pool. We already have 24 years of experience in the field of masonry work, window and door…


The company BIOMAROS s.r.o. based in Ostrava in the Moravian-Silesian region, deals primarily with logging and also offers other forestry services. Another of our activities is the sale of catering equipment and complex building renovations. The offer of our company is extensive, but in every field of our activity we always try to meet all customer requirements and perform quality work under…


The company HORÁCI STAV s.r.o. what remains is the construction of family houses, the complete reconstruction of family houses and the reconstruction of residential cores. We perform facade insulation and tiling, carpentry, plumbing and roofing work. We also do water-heating work and electrical installation work. Activity: - construction of family houses - complete reconstruction of family…


Czech Company SUBLAND-TECH s.r.o. based in Darkovice in the Opava district, has been dealing with complex construction work since 1993, including reconstructions and turnkey constructions. Our activities include everything from the implementation of industrial buildings, through commercial buildings to family houses and other smaller buildings. We offer all construction work, such as…


The company STRUKTMONT, s.r.o. offers all construction work according to customer requirements. Construction work: - concrete work - production of armature binding - reconstruction of objects - insulation of facades - reconstruction of apartments, family houses - plasterboard works - production and assembly of steel structures - painting works - production of steel structures…

GOJAS alfa s.r.o.

GOJAS alfa s.r.o. je stavební firma, která nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti stavebnictví, elektroinstalace, fotovoltaiky a hromosvodů. Firma má dlouholeté zkušenosti a kvalifikovaný tým odborníků, kteří zaručují kvalitní a spolehlivou realizaci vašich projektů. Společnost se zaměřuje na stavbu a rekonstrukci rodinných domů, základových desek, zemních prací, zámkové dlažby,…


Complex construction activity Construction of fireplaces - indoor, outdoor, smokehouse. Reconstruction of bathrooms, houses, apartments. Tiles, paving, natural, interlocking. Work: - masonry, insulation, demolition, plumbing, electrical installation, air conditioning, plasterboard, fence construction and other construction work

Michal Kuděla - Kuděla KM-stavby

Insulation of buildings. Reconstruction: - houses, apartments. Plasterboard works. blown thermal insulation Blown insulation Opava, Ostrava, Krnov, Bruntál, Karviná, Havířov, ... blown insulation from cellulose, mineral glass and stone, blown polystyrene, Tipur blown insulation Kuděl