Reconstruction and revitalization

Give an older apartment a touch of novelty by using the reconstruction or revitalization. Experts may, in the context of adjustments to carry out the dismantling of the old equipment, the reconstruction of apartment core, replacement of windows and interior doors, replacement of electrical wiring, painting walls and laying floors.

Oleg Rechych - stavební práce

The company Oleg Rechych, based in Vyškov in the district of Brno - venkov, deals with complex construction works, including reconstruction and finishing works. We provide comprehensive construction services, from the purchase of land, through the preparation of project documentation to the actual implementation, including construction approval. We have sufficient technical equipment and,…

Stavba Bartoš, s.r.o.

Our construction company, which has been operating for more than 25 years, mainly in Kladno and its surroundings. We implement constructions of larger and smaller character. We gained my experience mainly in Germany and subsequently on contracts in the Czech Republic. Over time, we are constantly expanding our services to today's form, which consists mainly of the complete construction of houses,…

T&Nstav stavební a obchodní, s.r.o.

Our company T & Nstav Construction and Trading s.r.o. offers its customers comprehensive services in the field of construction. We focus primarily on the construction of turnkey houses, reconstruction and modification of houses, building insulation, construction, reconstruction and modification of civil and industrial buildings. If you decide to build your house yourself, we will be happy to…

EUbuilding, a.s. - pozemní stavitelství

All types of constructions in the building construction sector will be supplied by EUbuilding, a.s. We have been operating on the market since 2011 and, thanks to our consistency and professional approach, we are one of the capable and prosperous construction companies. Our goal is first-class work and satisfaction of our customers. As part of our construction activities, we focus on the…

FK + D, s.r.o.

Firma FK + D, s.r.o. se sídlem v Praze již více než 20 let nabízí veškeré stavební práce. Zabývá se pokládkou obkladů a dlažeb, malířskými a natěračskými pracemi. Současně provádí také tapetování. V rámci stavebních prací realizuje výstavbu rodinných domů na klíč, rekonstrukce bytů, domů a koupelen na klíč, fasádnické práce, izolace střech, sanace a zateplení. Můžete se na ni obrátit i s…

Enerfina, s.r.o.

The company Enerfina s.r.o. based in Prague, has been dealing primarily with the restoration and restoration of historic buildings, both their interiors and exteriors, for more than 20 years. We also renovate housing units and deal with commercial activities. We have our own plastering and joinery (carving) workshops, warehouses and truck transport. We cooperate only with qualified restorers…

Stavební firma WŰRZ

The construction company Josef WŰRZ is engaged in construction activities in the field of civil engineering, in which he has many years of experience. We mainly deal with the construction and reconstruction of family and apartment houses and other realizations associated with the construction and reconstruction of civil engineering. We have a capable team of experienced professionals and quality…

Lukovič s.r.o.

The company Lukovič s.r.o. deals with the implementation of buildings, their changes and removal for the private or public sector. We realize the works in a quality that meets the expectations of the investor, and which at the same time meets the requirements of the relevant standards, regulations and the requirements of modern technologies. All work carried out by us is carried out and…

Luděk Filípek - Stavební a úklidové práce

Our company based in Brno offers its customers complete construction and masonry work. We mainly carry out the reconstruction of apartments and apartment cores and we also specialize in the reconstruction of bathrooms or reconstructions of family houses. If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us for detailed information. We will also be happy to prepare a price offer…

PALSTAV stavitelství s.r.o.

The company PALSTAV stavitelství s.r.o. provides a complete supply of construction work and reconstruction, construction of residential and non-residential buildings. We also provide electrical, plumbing and other construction installation work, other construction installations, reconstruction of buildings, construction modifications of apartment buildings and houses. We operate throughout…

Adam epox s.r.o.

Adam Epox s.r.o. – Váš partner pro kvalitní a spolehlivé stavební služby. Hledáte stavební firmu, která zaručuje precizní práci, dodržení termínů a spokojenost zákazníka na prvním místě? Adam Epox s.r.o. je tím správným řešením pro Vás! Sídlíme na adrese Opavská 6230/29a, Ostrava a nabízíme široké spektrum služeb v oblasti stavebnictví a zemních prací. Specializujeme se na výstavbu…

SASTA CZ, a.s.

Hledáte společnost, která vašim stavebním projektům poskytne dokonalou péči? SASTA CZ, a.s. je vaše odpověď. S více než dvacetiletou tradicí v oblasti sanací a rekonstrukcí jsme experti, na které se můžete spolehnout. Ať už jde o historické památky nebo moderní konstrukce, naše široká škála služeb zahrnuje vše od statického zajištění až po komplexní rekonstrukce. Jsme specialisty na komplexní…

L-stav, s.r.o.

Family company L-stav, s.r.o. from Rudná u Prahy specializes primarily in the construction of atypical buildings according to client requirements. As part of our services, we offer turnkey constructions that include project documentation and construction permit processing, as well as new constructions, reconstructions, building modifications and the construction of atypical buildings. …

Jan Beránek

All masonry work, tiling and paving, renovation of apartments, all this and much more is carried out by the company Jan Beránek from Kralup nad Vltavou. As part of our services, we provide masonry work to our customers, incl. reconstruction of apartments, family houses and smaller buildings, construction of family houses, tiling and paving, interlocking paving, plasterboard, facades, floating…

STAVSPORT PRAHA s.r.o. - projekční a stavební činnost

The company STAVSPORT PRAHA s.r.o. based in Prague Řeporyje has been engaged in preparatory, pre-design, design and construction activities for almost 30 years. We offer our customers a comprehensive processing of their request, ie. business plan from the preparatory phase to implementation. The company STAVSPORT PRAHA s.r.o. It can provide you with a meaningful investment of funds so that you…

Stavby RS-mont s.r.o.

Company Stavby RS-mont, s.r.o. deals with the construction of turnkey houses, industrial buildings, reconstruction of apartments and apartment cores and monolithic structures. We are located at Kvítkovická 583, Napajedla. Construction company, construction: - construction of turnkey houses - reconstruction of flats and apartment cores - monolithic structures - facade insulation -…

Vitaliy Myhalko

Objevte špičkovou kvalitu s firmou Vitaliy Myhalko! V Ladech 291/4, Zlonín - Vaše jistota pro dokonalé stavební řešení. Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše stavební projekty? Firma Vitaliy Myhalko je tu pro vás! S dlouholetými zkušenostmi v oboru jsme vaším ideálním řešením pro všechny přípravné a dokončovací stavební práce, malířské a sádrokartonářské práce. Naším cílem je vaše…

SILBA-Elstav s.r.o. - stavby a rekonstrukce

Construction, design and electrical installation company. Construction work: -construction, reconstruction and modernization apartment and family houses -performing facades -plasterboard, attic installations -locking paving -construction of sidewalks and roads with bituminous surface -construction and reconstruction of HV and LV networks -cable distribution -electrical work …

Stav styl CZ s.r.o. - Obklady, dlažby, sanita Tábor

The company Stav styl CZ s.r.o. specializes in the sale of tiles, including construction chemicals. We also provide complete construction of houses and garden pools. In our assortment you will find tiling and paving, sanitary ceramics, construction chemicals. When selling tiles, we approach each customer individually. We are engaged in tiling work, construction of turnkey family houses,…