Košma-stav s.r.o.
Construction company. New buildings, reconstruction.
Construction company. New buildings, reconstruction.
Stavba, stavební činnost: -komplexní stavební práce -stavby na klíč -rekonstrukce -zateplování staveb. -Výroba, montáž: železářské armatury do betonu. -autodoprava: - zemní práce - bourací práce
Construction company: - turnkey renovation of bathrooms, apartments, housing units - tiling works.
Construction, construction activity, craft, implementation: - waterproofing of roofs - insulation of buildings - insulation work - roofing work - plumbing work.
Výstavba, opravy, rekonstrukce: - koupelny, bytová jádra. Montáže: - sádrokarton (příčky, předstěny, podhledy). Drobné zednické práce, malování a nátěry. Obklady, dlažby. Elektroinstalace. Kompletní VODO-TOPO, rozvod odpadu.
Stavby: - rodinné domy - kanalizace - sádrokarton. Řemeslo, stavební práce: - zedník (zednické) práce - výkopové, bourací práce.
Building company. Construction: - industrial buildings - family houses - utilities. Reconstruction: - residential and panel houses - facades. Metalworking. Construction locksmithing.
Construction activity, new constructions, repairs, reconstructions: - turnkey industrial buildings - new buildings - reconstruction, rebuilding - subcontracting for large constructions - paving, tiling, spraying, lighting - wiring - turnkey interiors - attic installations.
Stavební firma. Stavby: - stavební práce - výstavba a rekonstrukce domů a bytů - občanské stavby - průmyslové objekty - zateplování domů - výstavba a rekonstrukce komunikací. Pronájem: - montáž a pronájem lešení.
Práce, řemeslo: - pokrývač - tesař - rekonstrukce střech - dřevěné obklady, podlahy - podbití, laťování, fóliování, bednění - šalování věnců, stropů, základů. Stavby, dřevěné stavby: - roubené stavby - dřevěné altánky, pergoly - pokrývačské práce.
Zámečnictví. Rekonstrukce: - balkóny - lodžie - zastřešení bazénů - terasy, skleníky.
Komplexní stavební práce.
Construction company LARS M + K s.r.o. provides all construction work and offers its customers quality work at a reasonable price. Construction, building activity, reconstruction, repair: - turnkey construction (complete delivery of all construction works) - construction of family houses - reconstruction and repairs of buildings - reconstruction and attic built-in -…
Construction: - plasterboards - floating floors. Building insulation.
Construction activity: - construction of family houses - industrial buildings - water management structures - reconstruction of buildings, houses - dry construction - roofs - insulation of facades.
Insulation of house facades. Reconstruction of prefab houses. Reconstruction of balconies and loggias.
Retail, sales: - tiles, tiles, bathtubs, shower faucets, bathroom furniture, accessories, sanitary ware - floating wooden floors, linoleum. Reconstruction: - interiors - residential core - bathrooms. Construction masonry work.
Construction activity, buildings: - turnkey family houses - establishment of buildings - rough constructions - reconstruction of buildings - finishing job - roof construction - installation work - remediation of wet masonry. Special work: - waterproofing, insulation work - patented HW-SYSTEM technology.
Reconstruction of the apartment, housing core. Masonry and construction work. Insulation of the facade. Green savings. Turnkey house construction.
Wood production and construction activities. Production, sale: - lumber - links to orders - drying. Redemption: - log - wood materials. Demolition work. Earthwork.
Realization: - turnkey roofs - coatings - roof insulation. Repairs, painting and insulation: - facades. Plumbing, roofing and construction work: - replacement of windows - revitalization of buildings - austere plasters.
Construction: - turn-key buildings - building insulation. Design: - building, construction. Transportation: - haulage - mobile crane/truck crane, crane. Earthwork: - excavator loader. Sale, installation, service: - the ATMOS - gas boiler, wood and brown coal fired. Wholesale, retail, sale: - building material - exclusive importer of closing profiles/sections…
The stylish restaurant U zlaté hvězdy offers: - catering - lunches, menu (two types of meals), dinner - classic cuisine - pizzeria, pizza - total number of places - 100 - lounge, number of seats - 25 - the possibility of organizing family and company events. Sports activities: - bowling center with air conditioning.
Construction: - turn-key buildings - building insulation. Design: - building, construction. Transportation: - haulage - mobile crane/truck crane, crane. Earthwork: - excavator loader. Sale, installation, service: - the ATMOS-gas boiler, wood and brown coal fired. Wholesale, retail, sale: - building material - exclusive importer of closing profiles/sections -…