Reconstruction and revitalization

Give an older apartment a touch of novelty by using the reconstruction or revitalization. Experts may, in the context of adjustments to carry out the dismantling of the old equipment, the reconstruction of apartment core, replacement of windows and interior doors, replacement of electrical wiring, painting walls and laying floors.

Roman Střílek

Masonry. Construction company, complete construction work, reconstruction, constructions, installations, construction of family houses, turnkey house from A to Z. Masonry work, bricklayer. Laying, laying tiles and paving. Rehabilitation, drying. Plasterboard, plasterboard work. Wiring, wiring work. Water, heat, gas.

Machala Dalibor

Construction activity, work-wooden structures: -construction of wooden structures, houses, wooden house, wooden construction - other construction work - cast floors - anhydrite -insulation systems, insulation, insulation - dry construction - flat roof insulation, roof - carpentry work -demolition work -bio fireplaces - interiors. Branch in Brno: Křenová 409/52 (in the Nosreti…

Pavel Topolář

Stavební firma. Zateplené i nezateplené fasády. Stavby rodinných domů včetně dodávky na klíč. Rekonstrukce rodinných domů. Půdní vestavby.

H a S t, spol. s r.o. - Stavební firma

Construction company with many years of experience: -utilities -ground work. Repair, maintenance of buildings. Sales-building materials. Trucking. Tiling work, paving, paving, plumbing work. Construction activity: - turnkey family houses -buildings -residential, civil, industrial, agricultural buildings -reconstruction of buildings -insulation of buildings, insulation, facade …

DOPL s.r.o.

Wooden buildings, wooden building: -quick form of construction from sandwich panels K-KONTROL® system. -low-energy buildings -construction of houses -reconstruction of houses -fabricated houses K-KONTROL® building system -universal building system-use for different types of buildings, construction, new building, roof superstructure and reconstruction. K-KONTROL® panels are…


Services: -reconstruction of housing units, bathrooms, apartments, houses, cottages and cottages - leveling of floors (even before laying floating floors) - installation of plastic windows and installation of window sills - interior and exterior plasters, facades of houses - insulation of family houses, apartments and blocks of flats -working with plasterboard - tiling work - indoor and…

Vlastimil Poul

Ensures, performs: -buildings -excavation and earthworks -removal of debris, waste -distribution - water, heating, gas - transportation of building materials - project documentation, budget.

Jiří Kacetl - Best SDK

Our company has been in the labour market since 2009, our employees have experience in the field of dry construction 4-15 years. Thanks to experience of capable people in our company, we are able to do a perfect job quickly and at an attractive price. Facades, facade thermal insulation, floating, laminate, wooden floors, masonry, bricklaying, building work, carpet, linoleum laying,…


Roofing, tinsmithing, carpentry, repairs or reconstruction of roofs or construction and repair of roof trusses will provide the company STŘECHY BEST SDK based in Tasovice, near the town of Znojmo. We are also engaged in installation of plasterboard, plasterboard ceilings, plasterboard partition walls and mineral ceilings. Installation of plasterboard is carried out on the basis of training…

RIOSTAV s.r.o.

Construction company, construction: - turnkey family houses (turnkey house, turnkey house) - rough construction, base plates - demolition - reconstruction - warming up - facades - processing applications for Green Savings subsidies - bathrooms (bathroom) - tiles - paving (paving, tiles) - plasterboards - reconstruction, including the reconstruction of apartments and housing units …

KB Stavební s.r.o.

Realization: - civil engineering - apartment construction - industrial buildings Specialization: - reconstruction of buildings - construction of new buildings - strengthening of the area (interlocking paving, roof repair, thermal insulation of buildings, reconstruction of apartment cores, installation of installations, repairs of installations, heating, laying of floors,…

PP Stav s.r.o.

Stavební firma. Služby: - stavby na klíč (stavba na klíč) - rekonstrukce objektů, bytové jádro - zednické práce, obkladačské práce - zemní práce, výkopové práce - chodníky, zámková dlažba - stavební dřevovýroba, dřevěné konstrukce - montáže oplocení, bran, prodej oplocení - prodej pelet.

A.P.R. atelier s.r.o.

Provádění staveb, jejich změny a odstraňování dále pak nabízí projektové, poradenské a inženýrské práce, stavební dozor. Služby a produkty : -Inženýrská činnost a poradenská činnost v investiční výstavbě -Ostatní zprostředkovatelská činnost, velkoobchod maloobchod -Nabídka projektových a inženýrských prací: - příprava zakázky – analýza podkladů, průzkumy - návrh stavby –…

Aksamit, s.r.o.

Project activity and turnkey delivery of construction. Construction company, construction: -family house, new building -reconstruction of bathrooms (bathroom) and apartment cores -reconstruction tiling, paving -revitalization of the housing stock -seat roofs -trusses, burnt roofing -bags KM BETA, TONDACH. Crafts: tiler, tiler, bricklayer, electrician, waterman, gasman, heating engineer…

SPEHO s.r.o.

Construction and reconstruction of houses and flats: -RD turnkey -complete reconstruction of houses and apartments -rough structures -insulation of buildings and facades -machine plasters -Masonry work -breaking work -excavation work -concrete work -project documentation.

MC stavitel - Martin Čadílek

Construction company. Family houses: - new buildings - reconstruction and repairs - warming of objects -plasters -plasterboards -field and demolition work -laying interlocking paving -electrical installation - tiling and paving -concrete floors and more. Housing cores: - focus ( free ) -budget (free) -demolition of the existing core and all water distribution and electrical…

DaL STAV s.r.o.

Stavební firma. Rekonstrukce: -domů a bytů -kuchyňské linky i bytového jádra -výroba kuchyně a nábytek na míru -pokládka dlažby, plovoucí podlahy, obklady -stavební práce -sádrokartony -projekce ve 3D. Zajištění stavebního povolení.