New residential construction

You want to live in a new house or apartment? Construction of residential units and townhouses are nowadays implemented in particular on the edges of cities or in the villages. Each residential unit usually also includes a separate parking space and own garden plot.

R.i.W., s.r.o.

Construction company: - construction of family and apartment buildings - reconstruction - attic buildings - outdoor pools - dry constructions - fireproof plasterboard constructions - insulation of facades - rehabilitation and dehumidification of objects - projecting - engineering office: Jana Žižky 622, 504 01 Nový Bydžov

Pavel Košťál

Construction work - Lanškroun - Construction of a family house, brick and wood construction - Insulation systems - Reconstruction of houses and apartments - Reconstruction of bathrooms - Tiling work Plasterboard work - Lanškroun - Soil construction - Lowering ceilings - Construction of partitions Flooring work - Lanškroun - Floating floors - PVC - Carpets Joinery and carpentry work - Lanškroun -…

Ing. Otakar Tymyk

Our construction company Tymex offers the following construction works: Construction of family houses, apartment houses and turnkey facilities, or agreed parts Reconstruction of all buildings Civil engineering, outbuildings, garages Roof trusses, roof cladding Installation of electrical, water supply, sewerage, heating work Tiling, paving, plasterboard Paved areas, fencing Facade insulation…

Bláha trade, s.r.o.

Stavební firma: Novostavby: -rodinné domy -roubené stavby -občanská vybavenost. Tesařské konstrukce: -pergoly -stání pro auta -přístřešky -roubené stavby -krovy. Pilařská výroba: -stavební řezivo -prkna, hranoly, fošny -plotovky, rýgle -střešní latě Zateplování budov a fasády. Rekonstrukce a opravy budov. Pokrývačské a klempířské práce. Sádrokartonářské práce. Zednické…

Jiří Janeček

Our company provides construction works: - construction of family houses - insulation of facades, we make thin-layer facades - installation of plasterboard - tiling and tiling work - we lay interlocking paving Masonry materials for foam Adhesive materials - reconstruction of housing cores