Bludostav s.r.o.
Construction company. Construction and reconstruction of buildings. Thermal insulation. Laying interlocking paving.
Construction company. Construction and reconstruction of buildings. Thermal insulation. Laying interlocking paving.
Stavební firma. Stavby na klíč, novostavby. Rekonstrukce rodinných domů, hal. Zateplování objektů.
Company TROJMIKOstav s.r.o. operates on the market as a construction contractor for both small and large investors. It deals with the construction of family houses on a turnkey basis, including design and preparatory work. Company TROJMIKOstav s.r.o. provides the following activities: - building permit - base plates - rough constructions - insulation - facades - roofs It covers…
Turnkey buildings: - family houses - garages, garage spaces, gazebos - sidewalks, parking lot, fencing, interlocking paving Family house projects: - individual, low-energy, passive and housing projects - studies, designs, visualizations. Processing of the certificate of energy performance of buildings (energy label). Construction supervision. Fire safety solution of the building. …
Construction: - family houses . Building insulation. Masonry and plasterboard work. Production: - kitchen counters - inbuilt wardrobe - beds - garage door - entrance door - interior door.
Stavební firma: - výstavba a rekonstrukce rodinných a bytových domů - průmyslová výstavba. Úklidové služby: - úklid kanceláří, administrativních budov - úklid domácností.
Turnkey house construction. Facade insulation. Revitalization of prefab houses.
Construction: - plasterboards. Excavation work. Laying: - paving stones - tiling. Rough constructions. Renovation, reconstruction and construction: - residential cores - bathrooms. Masonry work.
Road transport: - international and domestic freight - transportation of bulk materials - dump trucks. Construction: - engineering constructions - buildings.
Construction work, design activities, architectural designs, construction supervision, health and safety coordinator Training activities, language teaching
Plastová okna, stavební práce, výstavba rodinných domu, hydroizolace střech, doplňky k oknům .
Laser engraving, production of express stamps, binding of diploma and bachelor's, graduation and graduation theses pending, production of business cards and all large-scale advertising at great prices, printing of T-shirts, mugs, puzzles and other advertising items, pad printing, gilding and engraving, production of engraved signs , company labels. Branch: - Frýdek-Místek, Radniční 10 - OC…
Společnost PASIVNÍ DOMY MORAVA s.r.o. Vám zajistí stavbu pasivního domu, která má minimální tepelné ztráty.
Kominické práce Plynoinstalatérské práce Topenářské práce Servis - plynová zařízení Stavební práce Zámečnické práce Vodoinstalatérské práce
Construction, construction: -residential houses -reconstruction Work: - insulation of facades - water-heating-gas - plasterboard
Services: - reconstruction of apartments, housing units - completion of family houses
Crafts, services - masonry work - rough constructions - painting works - laying of floors - water, hot water, gas - plumbing work - heating works - gas works - electrical work - plasterboard works - turnkey residential construction
Insulation - buildings - member of the GREEN SAVINGS project Laying - interlocking tiles - tiling - member of the GREEN SAVINGS project Complete construction company - turnkey family houses - new buildings - reconstruction All masonry work - reconstruction - member of the GREEN SAVINGS project
We provide complex construction and reconstruction of buildings, heating, ZTI, heat pumps, solar systems or sealing of pipelines using BCG technology.
We mainly deal with construction activities, implementation of new buildings, reconstructions and adaptations, including listed buildings. We also carry out demolition of buildings.
Rent - residential premises. Construction activity.
Construction - tiling and paving Production and assembly - monolithic stairs Building - turnkey family houses - attic buildings
Tesařské prácemontáž - střešní konstrukcevýroba - dřevostavby včetně prvků pro montované stavby Výstavba - inženýrské stavby Výstavba - pozemní stavby Klempířské práce Pokládka - střešní krytiny