Construction company. Activity: -construction of buildings -inner reconstruction of buildings -reconstruction of facades -reconstruction of apartment cores -construction of bathrooms.
Stavební firma SW - TECH s.r.o. zajišťuje stavby: -bytové a rodinné domy -průmyslové -inženýrské -vodohospodářské -občanské aj.
We provide and implement cast floors. We consider industrial floors for high loads and stress, suitable for warehouses, workshops, ramps, production facilities and stairs. The floors are suitable for areas with a risk of leakage of oily and other pollutants We offer colored epoxy and cast floor screeds and coatings for garages, workshops, warehouses and apartments. We provide waterproofing of…
Production: -construction work -reconstruction.
Services: - reconstruction of apartment and panel houses - insulation of family houses - construction of family and apartment buildings and industrial buildings on key - reconstruction of balconies and loggias - we perform mechanical and classical plastering, facades, tiling, paving - reconstruction of housing cores - plasterboard construction - other construction works.
Production: -construction company - construction of family houses - construction of industrial buildings.
Výroba: -stavby rodinných domů na klíč -stavby hrubých staveb -komplexní rekonstrukce a modernizace rodinných domů, bytových jader, koupelen. Korespondenční adresa Masarykova 226 59231 Nové Město na Moravě
Construction activity: - construction (construction) of family houses using the CEPOL system - complete construction supplies. Insulation, thermal insulation of houses, buildings, blocks of flats: - system VINYL (VINIL) SIDING and dry -JUBISOL wet system. Sale, rental, rental: - facade and mobile scaffolding ALFIX, RUX. Wholesale, retail: - paint colors, interior, exterior, facade,…
Sicuro s.r.o. the work provides: - construction -ground -demolition
Construction company. -wooden buildings -plasterboard -projection -insulation of buildings.
Výroba, služby: -Pozemní stavby -Provádění staveb -stavebnictví -stavba nových domů -rodinné domy -opravy staveb -rekonstrukce staveb -odstranění staveb. Stavby provádíme především v regionu Jižní Moravy.
Scaffolding, formwork, insulation. Rental, design, assembly, disassembly and transport of scaffolding and formwork. Lease: -scaffolding - formwork -mobile fencing. Insulation: -family houses -residential houses. Construction, reconstruction of family houses.
Sales, assembly: -roof windows -reduction of ceilings - ceiling insulation -installation of suspended ceilings -soil constructions.
Refiz s.r.o. focuses on the construction of low-energy houses, also offers its clients financial advice and mediates real estate services.
Výroba: -výstavba rodinných domů, plotů a bazénů -sádrokartonářské práce -rekonstrukce bytových jader -zateplování fasád.
We carry out all construction work: - tiling, paving, facade, carpentry, plumbing, roofing work, insulation of flat roofs, family house, house, plasterboard and other work.
Construction company STAVOFLOS s.r.o. provides construction of new apartments in the IP Vysočina, implementation of houses on a turnkey basis, insulation and reconstruction of the house. Our goal is to ensure maximum satisfaction of our customers. Thanks to many years of experience in the field, we are able to provide comprehensive services, including design and architectural preparation of…
Development services, development activities. Civil engineering, industrial construction, construction of houses, family houses, apartment houses. Favorable conditions for providing a mortgage loan. Our company BRNĚNSKÁ DEVELOPERSKÁ s.r.o., has been operating since 2008. We are engaged in the development of civil and industrial construction in the form of investments in land, the purchase of…
Services: - turnkey constructions - reconstruction - roofs - thermal insulation - scaffolding rental, etc.
Building construction -removal of buildings -reconstructions - family houses, boarding houses and recreational facilities - wine-growing constructions, repairs of historic buildings, construction of industrial halls
Stavební společnost, stavebnictví: -výstavba, stavba rodinných domů, domy, dům na klíč -zemní a výkopové práce -provádění klenbených sklepů, sklepy -rekonstrukce objektů včetně historických -sanační omítky -obkladačské práce -pokládka zámkové dlažby, dlažba -tesařské práce -suchá výstavba ze sádrokartonu -průmyslové objekty a haly, hala -půdní vestavby -fasády,…
Production, work: - masonry - reconstruction and new buildings - all masonry work - tiling and paving - outdoor fireplaces - consulting activity.