New non-residential construction

Non-residential construction includes the construction of objects and buildings not intended for housing. In particular, shops, public buildings, business centers, prefabricated buildings, hospitals, schools and office buildings. Construction implemented by professionals are always the right choice.

RVES CZ a.s.

Stavby, rekonstrukce, realizace: -projekční a inženýrská činnost -realizace pozemních staveb a sportovních zařízení -bourací a demontážní práce na stávajících stavbách a zařízeních včetně likvidace odpadu (kaly, betony, stavební suť apod.) -realizace staveb vodohospodářských -kanalizace - tlakové, gravitační -zkušební a trvalé provozy vodohospodářských zařízení …

STAVING, spol. s r.o.

Construction company. Construction work: - turnkey residential, civil, industrial, agricultural constructions - new buildings, -reconstruction - insulation of facades. Production, delivery: -concrete mixtures - transport on request -concrete plant Jičín-Moravčice, Konecchlumská, phone: 493534751. Work: - structural locksmith - joinery. Construction: -plasterboard…

Pavel Bořek

Construction activity. - construction company, construction work - civil buildings: - hotels, boarding houses, restaurants, sports fields, shops, apartment buildings, family houses, garages - industrial buildings: - halls, administrative buildings, parking areas and parking lots, production halls, warehouses - agricultural buildings: - cowsheds, piggeries, stables, silage troughs,…

JASTAV, spol. s r.o.

Construction company, buildings, supply of turnkey buildings: - realization of civil, residential, agricultural and industrial buildings - guesthouses, hotels - reconstruction, modernization, repairs - utility networks, sewage treatment plants, reservoirs, landfills - provision of line constructions - construction work - provision of plaster, masonry, concrete and facades -…

Restav HK s.r.o.

Construction company. Buildings: - construction of new buildings - reconstruction-housing cores, buildings - insulation and construction of the facade - attic buildings - plasterboard - jointless masonry, classic masonry - plasters - tiling - reconstruction of bathroom cores. Transport, road transport: - transportation of bulk material and waste - container (AVIA) -…

TDP, spol. s r.o.

Provádí: - stavby-inženýrská činnost - ekonomické a organizační poradenství - projekce v investiční výstavbě - obchodní činnost - provádění staveb: - průmyslové - bytové - občanské - sádrokarton - příčky a podhledy - dodávka a montáž.

Družstvo Ohnišov

Production, sale: - plastic - foil coating - building materials - cement goods, concrete, artificial stone - agricultural production. Buildings: - ground, engineering - providing transport.