Industrial constructions

You need to build an industrial object? A professional company can ensure the construction of production halls, factories, energy centres, petrol stations, technological structures, construction of engineering networks, water pipes, sewer connections and the like.


Carpentry, plumbing, roofing work. Complete delivery of the roof, both sloping and flat. Reconstruction, repairs, complete implementation. For flat roofs, modified strips or PVC foil. Reconstruction of roofs and ceilings, roof insulation. Implementation of hall systems. Complete cladding, roofing and drainage of the building. Assembly of small halls for widths of 8-14m.

Michal Bezděk

We deal with: - implementation of new buildings - reconstructions of family houses and flats - non-residential or industrial buildings. We offer the following services: • laying interlocking and granite paving • masonry work • tiling work • painting and varnishing work • plasterboard work • electrical work.

Metrostav a.s.

Stavební společnost univerzálního zaměření: -občanské stavby -bytová výstavba -průmyslová výstavba -dopravní stavby -metro -podzemní stavby -ostatní inženýrské stavby: -vodohospodářské -vodovody, kanalizace, plynovody -demolice, sanace, rekultivace, zemní práce.

MADYSTAV, s.r.o.

Delivery of new construction, reconstruction: - turnkey land constructions -family houses, houses, DRY-SIX system - halls, warehouses -soil constructions - warming of objects, the MAMOTHERM system and others. Work: -dry assembly, plasterboard KNAUF, RIGIPS - ground structures -lock paving - sidewalks -superstructures - insulation of buildings and objects -masonry,…


Construction company. General construction supplies, reconstruction, construction and modernization of buildings: - civil and industrial construction - family houses. We perform: -earthworks, transport, utility networks, production and assembly of steel structures, locksmith work, carpentry work, flooring work.

MANAG MS, a.s.

Construction company. Complete deliveries: - residential, civic, industrial and other "turnkey" building constructions, both new buildings and reconstructions However, it also carries out rough constructions, specialized parts of constructions and selected building trades. MANAG achieved excellent results especially in the implementation of monolithic constructions. Development activity.

Inženýrské stavby Brno, spol. s r.o.

Engineering, supplies for key, construction, reconstruction: -engineering networks and communications -land, industrial buildings -hydromelioration (dams and objects on streams, reservoirs on streams, stream modifications and canals, irrigation systems, water reservoirs with loose earth dikes, pumping fuel stations *, stream modifications, drainage) -objects for water…

PEBACO Brno s.r.o.

The company PEBACO Brno s.r.o. specializes in the supply and installation of refrigeration equipment, sorting equipment and agricultural machinery. In our offer you will find mechanical, electronic and optical sorting technologies, harvesting machines and mistblowers, ULO warehouses, fruit harvesting machines or mulchers. Our office is located at Svatopetrská 7, Brno. Delivery, sale,…


Společnost je držitelem certifikátu řízení jakosti ISO 9001:2001. Projekce, dodávka, montáž, demontáž, rekonstrukce, modernizace, uvádění do provozu, poradenství: -kompletní technologická pracoviště -inženýrsko dodavatelská činnost -údržbářské dílny, průmyslové provozy -potrubní, energetické rozvody -kompletní nástrojárny -laboratoře, zkušebny, školící střediska (sklárny,…

ČINEX stavební činnost, spol. s r.o.

The company ČINEX stavební činnost, spol. s r.o. and many years of experience in the field of construction and during its operation has carried out a number of successfully completed constructions. Our company focuses on the construction of houses and industrial buildings, reconstruction, insulation, lofts and superstructures, complete supply of roofs, earthworks and demolition work and other…

STAVOS Brno, a.s.

Realization: - industrial and civil buildings - engineering constructions. Examples of implemented projects: - SFINX-polyfunctional object - multifunctional house Mojmírovo náměstí - Líšeň villa type family house, Podbělová 22 - development of Podbělová street Brně Líšni - BD Lipůvka, Vyškov, Střelice and many others. Current development projects: - EAST GATE project -…

CEDR, spol. s r.o.

Stavební firma. Stavby na klíč: -občanské -administrativní -průmyslové. Výstavba: -lékárny -rodinné domy. Specialisté v oborech HSV i PSV. Stavební mechanizace. Investiční a developerské celky bytové výstavby. Územní a stavební řízení. Realitní činnost: -prodej dokončených, obytných jednotek.