Industrial constructions

You need to build an industrial object? A professional company can ensure the construction of production halls, factories, energy centres, petrol stations, technological structures, construction of engineering networks, water pipes, sewer connections and the like.

WH STAWO Přeštice s.r.o.

Company WH STAWO Přeštice s.r.o. is mainly specialized in construction and reconstruction of family houses and apartment buildings. We also build industrial buildings, commercial and non-commercial buildings, roads and civil engineering. On the ground floor of our company you can buy a wide range of facade and interior colors .. You can find us at Komenského 75, Přeštice, district Plzeň-jih. …

MIRONSTAV s.r.o. - Rodinné domy - rekonstrukce Praha

Construction company MIRONSTAV s.r.o. Will provide you with all the work associated with the exhibition and reconstruction of houses, apartments or other objects. We realize houses, industrial buildings, we also provide restoration of monuments, facades or thermal insulation of buildings. We offer comprehensive services, from the project to the exhibition itself. It cooperates with experts who… s.r.o.

Company s.r.o. is a modern and dynamic construction company. We are engaged in the construction and reconstruction of paved areas, cycle paths, roads, sidewalks, parking lots, water management structures, watercourse troughs, as well as civil and industrial buildings. You can find us at Padělská 158, Moravský Písek, Hodonín district. Construction activity, work, construction: -…


Our company COMACT STAVBY s.r.o., based in Prague, focuses on complete reconstructions of apartments and houses. Her other activities also include the new construction of houses and industrial buildings for any use. We are also able to provide you with the construction of shops and large buildings, including associated services. Our activity: - reconstruction of flats and houses - new…

TOMA Olomouc, s.r.o.

The company TOMA Olomouc, s.r.o. focuses on the implementation of complete supplies of civil, industrial, engineering, residential and civil constructions. Our basic philosophy is to create a competitive company with a good reputation with an emphasis on the quality of work, and above all the seriousness of dealing with the customer. Complete turnkey construction supplies: - industrial…

Tebrix Safety Home s.r.o.

Our company Tebrix Safety Home s.r.o. from Liberec offers you maximum security of the house (apartment), safe rooms, underground shelters. We co-operate with the world's best suppliers of security systems. Every year, our team participates in training in the field of population protection both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The largest source of knowledge is provided by training and seminars…


Stavzone s.r.o. focuses primarily on general supply of buildings, including reconstructions, repairs and demolition in the field of civil engineering, both residential and civil construction, as well as industrial and listed buildings, as well as the implementation of paved areas, budgets, consulting, technical investor supervision and architectural studies, including interior and exterior…

Jiří Bělovský

The company Jiří Bělovský based in the district of Chrudim in the Pardubice region deals mainly with the construction of industrial prefabricated halls, which are an ideal solution for roofing storage or production facilities. We will be happy to design and build a hall for you according to your requirements and provide you with full customer service and advice, from the selection of the hall,…


The company DEXTRA MLADÁ BOLESLAV s.r.o. carries out all construction activities from the construction of family houses, industrial buildings, transport structures to demolition, earthworks and excavation, demolition work, insulation and garden maintenance. Our services: Land construction - industrial premises, production halls, turnkey family houses Earthworks - excavation for all…

STAVTE, s.r.o.

Construction company STAVTE s.r.o. with headquarters in Chlumec nad Cidlinou has been involved in the construction of residential and family buildings, civil, industrial, agricultural and sports buildings since 1991. We carry out general deliveries of building constructions from family houses to industrial buildings. We are an experienced, reliable company and we remember above all about…


The company BIOMAROS s.r.o. based in Ostrava in the Moravian-Silesian region, deals primarily with logging and also offers other forestry services. Another of our activities is the sale of catering equipment and complex building renovations. The offer of our company is extensive, but in every field of our activity we always try to meet all customer requirements and perform quality work under…


Czech Company SUBLAND-TECH s.r.o. based in Darkovice in the Opava district, has been dealing with complex construction work since 1993, including reconstructions and turnkey constructions. Our activities include everything from the implementation of industrial buildings, through commercial buildings to family houses and other smaller buildings. We offer all construction work, such as…

Stavitelství Ladislav Adamec s.r.o.

We are a construction company providing complete realization of not only turnkey family buildings. We cover all trades needed in the construction of a house or industrial building. In addition to reliable and proven experts, we have the necessary machinery and material equipment. Our portfolio of services includes the construction of family houses, non-residential construction, industrial…


We are a construction company specializing in building construction. We focus mainly on the construction of turnkey family houses, rough constructions of family and apartment buildings, renovation of apartments and construction of civic amenities. We build turnkey family houses from quality materials from renowned suppliers. We will create the best price offer for a new home for you. We…

STABEDO s.r.o.

The company STABEDO s.r.o. based in the Pardubice district, offers complex engineering activities within the framework of building construction, water management and engineering constructions. As part of our services, we also deal with the processing of project documentation for zoning and construction management, including all communication. At the same time, as part of the implementation of…

JARA stavební společnost, s.r.o.

The company JARA stavební společnost, s.r.o. specializes in civil, residential and industrial construction. We offer architectural and design work, as well as engineering work and subsidies for construction. We will take care of your construction from A to Z. Realization of buildings: - ground and excavation work - concrete structures (from underground structures to foundation slabs to…

Stavitelství Hrbek, s.r.o.

Over many years of experience, the company Stavitelství Hrbek, s.r.o. has won a stable position on the construction market, mainly by providing quality work and a reliable approach to all orders. We build houses on a turnkey basis, carry out renovations, and offer all construction and masonry work. We carry out demolition, ground and excavation work, landscaping. We implement orders…

Pro - Stavby uni s.r.o.

Pokud plánujete nějaký stavební projekt, ať už se jedná o průmyslovou nebo občanskou výstavbu, stavbu na klíč, rekonstrukci nebo jinou stavební službu, můžete se spolehnout na společnost Pro - Stavby uni s.r.o. Tato společnost má dlouholeté zkušenosti a tradici v oboru stavebnictví. Již více než 15 let se věnuje realizaci různých stavebních zakázek, zejména v Libereckém kraji, ale i v dalších…

Roman Vlaha

Hledáte spolehlivého partnera ve stavebnictví? Potom je firma Roman Vlaha pro vás to správné řešení! Sídlem v srdci Brna, na adrese Marie Majerové 15, se naše firma pyšní dlouholetou tradicí a profesionálním přístupem k výstavbě rodinných domů na klíč. Naše služby zahrnují provádění hrubých staveb a dodávku kompletních řemesel. Jsme specialisté na rekonstrukce bytových domů, opravy fasád a…

Accolade, s.r.o.

Accolade, s.r.o. je investiční společnost se sídlem na adrese Sokolovská 17, Praha, 186 00. Jejich hlavní činnost spočívá v poskytování prvotřídní infrastruktury pro podnikání v Evropě. Skupina Accolade připravuje, vlastní a dlouhodobě pronajímá průmyslové budovy renomovaným společnostem z oblastí e-commerce, logistiky a lehké výroby přesně dle jejich potřeb. Jejich portfolio zahrnuje moderní…

AHAstavby s.r.o.

AHA stavby s.r.o. je stavební společnost se sídlem v Petrovicích u Karviné, která se specializuje výstavbu rodinných a bytových domů a komerčních i průmyslových staveb na klíč. Současně provádí také rekonstrukce, revitalizace, zateplování domů, fasád a střech, hydroizolační práce, opravy střech a další. Nabízí komplexní služby od zednictví, vodoinstalatérství, topenářství a další. …