PV Solutions - Fotovoltaické elektrárny Znojmo
The company PV Solutions implements turnkey photovoltaic power plants. We install photovoltaics in the area of Znojmo, Třebíč, but also Brno-venkov.
The company PV Solutions implements turnkey photovoltaic power plants. We install photovoltaics in the area of Znojmo, Třebíč, but also Brno-venkov.
Jsme lídr v prodeji fotovoltaických technologií v B2B segmentu v ČR díky excelentnímu know-how a dynamickému přístupu k nejnovějším technologiím. Disponujeme širokým portfoliem panelů, střídačů, baterií a konstrukcí pro kompletní realizaci fotovoltaických elektráren v rámci rezidenčních i komerčních projektů. Záleží nám na tom, abychom díky inovativním solárním technologiím mohli tvořit…
Company SONEA s.r.o. focuses on the installation and optimization of renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of electric boiler rooms for heating using electrode boilers. We supply smart energy sources, we are able to build solar power plants on houses, cottages, various shelters or on open areas. We also offer service, monitoring and remote supervision of photovoltaic systems. …
Hustý stavby, s.r.o., se sídlem v Brně, je stavební firmou, která spojuje řemeslnou preciznost, moderní technologie a lásku k detailu. Naše poslání je jasné: přetvářet stavební sny našich klientů v pevné a esteticky působící reality. S více než desetiletou zkušeností v oboru a vášní pro stavitelství nabízíme inovativní a udržitelná řešení, která dávají každému projektu jedinečný charakter. …
Services: - electrical installations in buildings, including connections - electrical installations of machinery - public lighting and illumination of buildings - lighting in buildings incl. intensity calculation - security technology - computer and television distribution - sound system
PowerControls s.r.o. je firma, která se zabývá fotovoltaikou a nabízí kompletní servis a realizaci projektů na klíč včetně vyřízení dotace NZU. Firma PowerControls s.r.o. se specializuje na montáž fotovoltaických elektráren na klíč pro domácnosti, firmy i zemědělce. Společnost nabízí kvalitní a moderní technologie, které umožňují využít sluneční energii pro vlastní spotřebu i prodej do sítě.…
D&A Meliorem, a limited liability company, provides: - electrical installation - regular electrical inspection - Loxone smart home automatic system - complete electrical installation work from design to implementation - all work for the installation and commissioning and maintenance of optical networks for data transmission - photovoltaic power plants - comprehensive solution of lightning…
EKOTREND 2016 is a company with a development and real estate focus. The buildings are inspired by nature and low energy consumption. Houses focused on heat, energy and peaceful living. We provide complete services from finding a plot of land, drawing a project through construction and own implementation. We also offer an already built house or apartment Our field of activity is in the…
Our company focuses on renewable energy business. We provide our customers with comprehensive services in the field of solar energy. The portfolio of works provided by us includes the supply, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. Do you want to start using clean energy from the sun? Then don't hesitate to contact us.
Since our establishment in 2009, our company has mainly been engaged in low-current and high-current electrical installations. We focus mainly on renewable energy sources and TOSHIBA brand air conditioning units. We have implemented countless photovoltaic power plants, including the construction of large solar parks in 2010 and the subsequent installation of PV plants on family homes. We…
Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše stavební projekty? Skalický a spol., s.r.o. je tu pro vás! S naší bohatou historií, založenou již v roce 2001, a sídlem v srdci Brna na Křenové 64/13, jsme se stali synonymem pro kvalitu a důvěru v oblasti stavebnictví. Naše služby: - Projektová činnost ve výstavbě: Naše projekty jsou plány vašich snů. Přetváříme vaše vize do reality s důrazem na…
Complete services (production, assembly, service, repairs, reconstruction) in the field: -energy equipment -water turbines -electric motors (electric motors, electric motor) -generators -steam turbine (turbine).
The company PROTECTION & CONSULTING, s.r.o. was founded in July 1996. We specialize in photovoltaic power plants for family houses. We also carry out implementations for company buildings. A photovoltaic power plant will reduce your electricity consumption costs in your home. The photovoltaic power plant will save you up to 40% of electricity costs. We will handle all administration with the…
Stavební a zemní práce, výkopové práce, bourací a demoliční práce, stavby FVE parků
Turnkey deliveries of photovoltaic power plants for family houses and companies, incl. administration of subsidies and connection to the distribution network.
Easy Sunny, s.r.o. se zaměřuje na projekci, instalaci, vyřízení dotací a servis fotovoltaických elektráren.
ZIMA energie s.r.o. realizuje fotovoltaické systémy na míru.
Sales and installation of heat pumps, solar power plants, heating, plumbing, electrical installation.
A company specializing in the implementation of turnkey photovoltaic power plants, heat pumps, electric charging stations. assistance with obtaining subsidies.
The company ACDC systems s.r.o. focuses on the field of photovoltaic power plants, on their purchase, sale, installation, consulting, including processing of subsidies.
Smart housing s.r.o. focuses on the installation and management of the Internet and networks in households and companies, on smart households, photovoltaics and runs an e-shop with products for smart households.
ConMach s.r.o. focuses on development activities, turnkey construction, design and implementation of photovoltaics and sale of building materials.
Alpha Solar systems s.r.o. focuses on renewable energy sources, photovoltaics and heat pumps.
High-current and low-current installations, energy, lighting, smart installations, photovoltaics, electromobility, industrial installations, automation, electrical equipment projection, energy studies, TZB.