Bathroom renovation

Bathroom renovation is often carried out in the framework of the reconstruction of the housing core. Will secure the replacement of tiles, replacement of sinks, tubs and showers, the implementation of the wiring and plumbing, painting and tile work. Part of the reconstruction is also the final cleaning.

AZ CZ Servis, s.r.o.

The company AZ CZ Servis, s.r.o. provides its customers with comprehensive services in the field of heating systems, cooling and air conditioning. We also focus on the implementation of water, gas and sewerage. We perform bathroom renovations and offer the development of complete project documentation. We carry out the implementation on the territory of the capital city of Prague and within…

AZETSTAV Liberec s.r.o.

Construction company. Realization: - turnkey family houses - foundation slabs, rough constructions including the roof - gardens - retaining walls - fence - paving stones. Reconstruction, modernization, rebuilding: - family houses - apartments, housing complexes. Project activity in the construction industry. Construction projects of family houses and small buildings…

FIMRstav s.r.o.

Construction company FIMRstav s.r.o. with headquarters in Březová near Sokolova, performs complete construction work, including utility networks and earthworks. Construction work, construction: - residential and non-residential construction - construction reconstruction, bathrooms, housing units - building and craft work - facades - earthworks - masonry work - utilities. We have…

František Randýsek

Pokud hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní firmu, která vám pomůže s rekonstrukcí vaší koupelny, kuchyně nebo jiné části domu, pak je pro vás správnou volbou společnost František Randýsek. Zabýváme se prováděním zednických prací, rekonstrukcí koupelen a kuchyní na klíč. Ať už chcete změnit vzhled vaší koupelny, zvětšit prostor vaší kuchyně nebo opravit zdi vašeho domu, společnost František…