Work at heights

Maintenance and cutting of trees, washing windows, masonry work, installation of ads and systems against birds, the assembly work, the realization of facades and roofs, or cleaning snow services are covered under the dangerous high-altitude work, which is better left to the professionals.

PRIMA spol. s r.o.

Construction company, buildings: - turnkey buildings - our company's production fillings consist of especially new construction -reconstruction - we provide our own transport cars LIAZ 706 with trailers, A VIA, V3S, Š 1203, MAN - we carry out height work from ours assembly platforms MP13, MP22 and MP27 - mobile workshops are used for PSY crafts P-V3S, A VIE A21-1F and…

SMĚR, družstvo vlastníků Hodonín

Malířské a natěračské práce všeho druhu včetně práce ve výškách, stavění lešení. Společenské zařízení pod Dubňanskou Horou-vinařská oblast: -pořádání různých společenských akcí -narozeniny, oslavy, výjezdní zasedání -kapacita 60-80 míst -občerstvení všeho druhu.

Výškové práce s.r.o.

Work, service. Height work: -using climbing equipment -coating of steel structures -coat facades -disassembly of balconies. Risk work: -Roofing work -washing windows -assembly of all plumbing elements of the metal roof, gutters, gutters, Rhine -assembly of polycarbonate roofs and hall cladding. Tree felling: -in development in places -in the wild -disposal of a fallen tree. …

SALLEKO, spol.s r.o.

Construction activity: -civil and industrial buildings -repairs and reconstructions during operation of the building -scaffolding -height work of all kinds throughout the Czech Republic cleaning -shame -assembly of plasterboard -installation of central heating (heater) medical equipment -high pressure cleaning -fire spraying. -revision of ladders -assembly of SOLATUBE light guides …

Jaroslav Kovář

Dříve firma DAR-TEL spol.s r.o. Výroba, instalace, opravy: elektronická telekomunikační zařízení. Montáž, údržba, servis: telekomunikační zařízení. Práce: -elektrikářské (elektroinstalace): slaboproudé rozvody -výškové: montážní plošina AVIA MP13 (13 metrů) -kompresorem -hydraulická ruka LIAZ 100 -zemní (JCB 3CX, UNC 060): bagrování, úprava terénu, protlaky pod vozovkou -vrtání,…

Břetislav Kocián - -tesař-památkář

Since 1999, the company Břetislav Kocián - carpenter-conservationist has been offering his experience in the field of carpentry in the Czech Republic and abroad, focusing on repairs and reconstructions of timbered houses and timbered buildings, historical and listed buildings. Work: - carpentry -the roofer for reconstruction of timbered buildings - repairs, reconstructions of historical…

Petr Halbrštat

All construction work at heights using climbing equipment. -roofs (repair, replacement and installation of new ones roofing, cleaning, painting, repairs and replacement of plumbing elements, installation barrier against birds, cover of skylights) -chimneys (repairs, painting and manual demolition chimneys) - steel structures (assembly, disassembly, coating of air-conditioning…

Vladimír Kružík

Work at heights performed by mountain climbers or speleological technique: -facades-repairs, cleaning, painting -steel structures, bridges, towers-cleaning, protective coatings -factory chimneys-repairs, coatings, revisions, lining, demolition -installation of barriers against pigeons (system KRAUPNER) -sheet metal elements, roofs- repairs, cleaning, painting - washing…

Miroslav Pop

Carpentry, plumbing, roofing work, complete roof construction, roofer, carpenter, plumber, insulator. Work on the roof, roof. Reconstruction, repair, maintenance of roofs: -protection against snow -height work of rope -laying of roofing -insulation work, waterproofing -insulation of flat roofs, alkorplan, Bramac, Tondach, SATJAM, LINDAB Installation of roof windows Velux, Roto. Regions…