Tatianka plus s.r.o.
Realization and reconstruction of interiors - plasterboard work - masonry work - tiling work - insulation work.
Realization and reconstruction of interiors - plasterboard work - masonry work - tiling work - insulation work.
Reconstruction and construction: - family houses, houses, villas - residential buildings, apartments - facades, plasters - roofs - paving, tiling - public spaces and facilities. Reconstruction and repair of building interiors: - panel bathrooms, bathroom corners - residential cores - office and business premises - hotels - restaurant - industrial buildings.
VARO s.r.o. offers. External cladding: - POLYSTYRENE INSULATION OF BUILDINGS Interior linings: - plasterboard - KNAUF, RIGIPS and LAFARGE - ceramic tiles Suspended ceilings: - plasterboard - KNAUF, RIGIPS and LAFARGE - mineral views - DONN, AMF - Thermatex and OWA Partitions: - plasterboard - KNAUF, RIGIPS and LAFARGE - syporex - SAB system partitions - glass, one…
Company DAN INTERIÉR s.r.o. - an expert in interiors and buildings, deals with all activities related to the construction and modification of buildings in the residential and non-residential areas, including the supply of materials.
Construction activity, scaffolding rental. We offer our customers a comprehensive scaffolding service that includes assembly, disassembly, service and scaffolding rental. He rents tubular scaffolding made of non-galvanized iron parts. Tubular scaffolds are compatible with each other and can also be easily equipped with protective nets, and due to the greater width of the floor, we can…
Jako hodinový manžel vám pomůžu se všemi problémy které se u vás doma objeví. Opravím, smontuji, vyčistím, pomůžu. .
Stavba a údržba silnic, chodníků, pokládka dlažby atd. Služeby: - frézování vozovek - sanace a opravy výtluků - pokládka a opravy krytů litým asfaltem - pokládka a opravy konstrukcí živičnou směsí - rekonstrukce vozovek, chodníků a ploch - novostavby vozovek, chodníků a ploch - dlaždičské práce, zámkové dlažby - zemní práce - pokládka, výškové úpravy a opravy obrub -…
Nabízíme tyto služby: - instalatérské práce - plynařské práce - zednické práce - obkladačské práce - topenářské práce
The company NOBILES s.r.o. provides a wide range of construction work. We focus on the reconstruction of apartment, panel and family houses as well as bathrooms. We also perform reconstructions of historical monuments and provide services in the field of water, gas and sewerage. We are located at Mátová 194, Prague. Construction activity, work: - reconstruction - bathroom renovation -…
We carry out minor repairs in homes and offices
What we can do reconstruction of houses, apartments reconstruction of housing cores, bathrooms reconstruction of non-residential premises, offices reconstruction of restaurants, shops supply of fully equipped interiors on a turnkey basis attic buildings masonry and tiling works plastering work painting and varnishing work.
Construction company. Construction of turnkey family houses, halls, garages. Reconstruction of buildings. Facade works: - new facades and repairs of older ones. Tiling and tiling works. Warming of objects. Soil constructions. Plasterboard constructions.
We offer: - reconstruction and maintenance of roads - tiling works - interlocking tiles - mosaic tiles - small tiles - curbs.
Construction work: - reconstruction of housing cores - roof repairs - laying paving and tiling - insulation of facades - construction of fences.
Implementation of tiling of buildings with a system of ventilated facades, complete delivery of interior tiling and tiling.
Building maintenance: - painting and varnishing works - Laying paving and tiling - laying floor coverings - laying and renovation of parquet flooring - SDK ceilings and partitions - masonry work - electrical and plumbing work - cleaning work - reconstruction of apartments, houses, non-residential premises - reconstruction of housing cores - attic structures and buildings.
Import and distribution of building material systems. Insulation and reconstruction of buildings. Laying tiles and natural stone.
Nabízené stavebnické práce: - Fasády - klasické i zateplené - Komplexní stavby na klíč - Střechy - sedlové i rovné - Sanační práce - včetně statického zajištění - Zednické prace - Sádrokartonářské práce - Dlažby - včetně zámkových - Natěračské práce - Zámečnické práce.
Stavební společnost: -rekonstrukce a opravy domů, bytů a nebytových prostor -opravy střech, komínů a fasád -rekonstrukce a obklady bytových jader -rozvody elektro, voda, plyn, topení -obklady, dlažby, podlahy -malířské a lakýrnické práce.
In particular, we supply and perform: - civil and engineering constructions - halls - family houses - turnkey garages - rehabilitation of buildings - attic buildings - attic apartments - noble plasters - exterior and interior with building insulation (BAUMIT, STOMIX, STO) - roof coverings - plumbing work, carpentry work - partitions, plasterboard ceilings RYGYPS, KNAUF - tiling and…
Construction activity: -reconstruction of buildings, attic additions and new house construction on a turnkey basis - warming of objects - execution of facades - plasterboard works -painting and painting works - fireproof coatings of structures - implementation of tiling and paving -laying of interlocking tiles including accessories -laying of floating floors and parquet -…
Lock paving: -laying of all interlocking paving including its delivery and landscaping. Fences: -production and installation of all types of fences including doors and gates - masonry, steel, wooden. Tiles and paving: - supply and installation of tiling and paving in interiors and exteriors. Installation of plastic windows: - replacement of windows in cooperation with by…
Zednické práce všeho druhu včetně prací jako: bytová jádra, plovoucí podlahy, malířské práce. Nejen na Praze 4. Elektrikářské a sádrokartonové práce včetně. Pracujeme na Praze 4 i mimo ni. Zednické práce pro Vás.
Rekonstrukce bytů a bytových jader. Provádíme: -rekonstrukce všech typů bytových jader -dodávka a montáž kuchyňských linek -obkladačské práce (veškeré keramické obklady a dlažby) -zednické práce -malířské a lakýrnické práce -stěrkové a štukové omítky -zvětšování bytu o prostor chodby -rekonstrukce podlah + izolace -kladení PVC, plovoucí podlahy, koberce …
Services: - reconstruction of residential cores -renovation of apartments on a turnkey basis -tiles, paving stones -floating floors -plasterboards -soil constructions - suspended ceilings -painting and varnishing works -painting of facades - cladding frames -electrical work - thermal and sound insulation.