Roofing and plumbing work

A comprehensive plumbing and roofing jobs include roofing, repair and reconstruction of roofs, replacement of roofs, waterproofing and insulation, installation of conductors, installation of gutters, the flashings of the roofs, installation of exterior window frames zákryvek, cornices, and baseboards.

Milan Bernat

Veškeré tesařské práce Veškeré truhlářské práce - stavební truhlářské práce Opravy a rekonstrukce - nábytek Výroba - nábytek - bytové doplňky Rekonstrukce půdních prostor Zednické práce Klempířské práce

Milan Pecháček

We perform complex plumbing, roofing and carpentry work. As part of our business activity, we carry out turnkey roofs, roofing installation, roof reconstruction and repairs, and of course all plumbing, roofing and carpentry work. We can also offer our customers the construction and implementation of gazebos, sheds, garages and other wooden structures. If you are planning to build a new…