Roofing and plumbing work

A comprehensive plumbing and roofing jobs include roofing, repair and reconstruction of roofs, replacement of roofs, waterproofing and insulation, installation of conductors, installation of gutters, the flashings of the roofs, installation of exterior window frames zákryvek, cornices, and baseboards.

Tesařství VLK - Tomáš Vlk

Work: -carping, carpentry: -realization, roof reconstruction, attic -production, assembly, reconstruction of trusses -wooden buildings and wooden structures -Garden pergolas and gazebos -wooden terraces and balconies -wood wall paneling and tamping cornice -assembly of roof windows -formation, scaffolding, stairs -Roofing, roofing of all roofing: …

EU Střechy, spol. s r.o.

Construction, building, realization, reconstruction: -roofs - flat, sloping -roof systems -original installations: -plaster partitions, plasterboards -boards (decking). Insulation of substructures. -hydro-insulation, waterproofing. Work: -rehabilitation -small masonry -plumbing: -troughs -ranks -metal plating.

Pavel Feltl

Klempířské a pokrývačské práce. Hydroizolace ekologických staveb proti proti tlakové a agresivní vodě, proti únikům ropných látek. Izolace střešních plášťů.

Jaroslav Kubík

Stavební firma. Stavba, výstavba: - bytové, občanské stavby. Realizace, rekonstrukce: - inženýrské sítě - komunikace - keramické obklady a dlažba - venkovní dlažba - betonová, vymývaná, zámková. Práce: - tesařské - pokrývačské - komplexní stavební práce na klíč včetně krovů a střechy.

Klempířství Podešva s.r.o.

Klempířství Podešva Zlín has been performing special manual plumbing work since 2000. We provide implementation and repairs of sheet metal roofs, manufacture and install gutter systems, attics, sheeting of gables, chimneys, and doors. We perform roof insulation - we apply Fatrafol roofing foil to all types of buildings with a flat roof. We direct our activity mainly to the region of Zlín…

Vodárek Ladislav

Complete implementation, construction, reconstruction, repairs: -roofs: -oblique, flat, rebated. Work. -roofing, roofing -carpentry, carpentry -plumbing, tinsmithing -small masonry - assembly - foil.