Roofing and plumbing work

A comprehensive plumbing and roofing jobs include roofing, repair and reconstruction of roofs, replacement of roofs, waterproofing and insulation, installation of conductors, installation of gutters, the flashings of the roofs, installation of exterior window frames zákryvek, cornices, and baseboards.

ALKSTAV s.r.o.

Stavební firma, stavby: -demoliční práce -zemní práce -základové konstrukce -běžné stavební práce -zámečnické konstrukce -tesařské konstrukce -pokrývačské práce -dodávka a montáž technického zařízení budov -rekonstrukce stávajících objektů -externě zajišťuje projekční, inženýrskou a revizní činnost -zdarma provádí konzultace k jednotlivým problémům -firma…

Ekoizol V&V spol. s r.o.

Assembly and delivery: - building plumbing elements - building insulation: - waterproofing of pitched and flat roofs, roofs - additional insulation - green and walkable terraces (modified belts, PVC film, screeds, domestic and foreign materials) - garden ponds, reservoirs - anti-radon barriers-isolation - insulation against oil products and bridge decks Production, sale: …

Výškové práce s.r.o.

Work, service. Height work: -using climbing equipment -coating of steel structures -coat facades -disassembly of balconies. Risk work: -Roofing work -washing windows -assembly of all plumbing elements of the metal roof, gutters, gutters, Rhine -assembly of polycarbonate roofs and hall cladding. Tree felling: -in development in places -in the wild -disposal of a fallen tree. …


Construction work: -soil built-ins -reconstruction - turnkey constructions -plaster construction -tiling work-tiling -insulation-buildings, facades -mineral ceilings -extensions, superstructures -reconstruction-housing cores, bathrooms -Remasive plasters -assembly-scaffolding. Carpentry and roofing work: trusses, roofs, including coverings. Plumbing work. Locksmith work:…

Břetislav Kocián - -tesař-památkář

Since 1999, the company Břetislav Kocián - carpenter-conservationist has been offering his experience in the field of carpentry in the Czech Republic and abroad, focusing on repairs and reconstructions of timbered houses and timbered buildings, historical and listed buildings. Work: - carpentry -the roofer for reconstruction of timbered buildings - repairs, reconstructions of historical…


We will reduce your heating costs! INSULATION: -We insulate building envelopes with a contact thermal insulation system from renowned suppliers. REVITALIZATION: - we revitalize the cladding of prefabricated houses, for example, by installing new concrete loggias or replacing hanging balconies and railings. We offer several types of fillings for these balconies and loggia railings. …

BE & PE, s.r.o.

Projection, delivery, assembly, service: -calculation of heat losses - exchange stations - regulation and measurement of heat -central heating -floor heating - thermostatic valves - balancing valves -regulators - pressure difference Divorces, repairs, reconstruction: -water, heating, gas - plumbing (copper*, PPR*, PVC*, PE**, HT**, galvanized -gas connections and distributions …

Zednictví Karel Alexa

zednické, stavební, izolační, obkladačské, demoliční práce, stavební činnost zedník, tesařství, pokrývačství, střešní práce, pasivní domy - výstavby, vestavby - stavby domů, domy, RD na klíč - rodinné domy - rekonstrukce objektů - obklady, dlažba, obkladač, dlaždič - demolice - sádrokartony, sádrokartonářské práce. - Stavba rodinných domů na klíč - rekonstrukce objektů - tesařské,…

FROGGY s.r.o.

Insulation of flat roofs, terraces, waterproofing, insulation against soil moisture, water, radon, plumbing, roofing work, terraces Znojmo, Moravský Krumlov, Miroslav, Třebíč, Moravské Budějovice, Mikulov -insulation foundations of buildings, flat roofs, balconies, terraces, cellars, cisterns, swimming pools, ponds -roofs -plumbers -Roofers -PVC foil / PE foil -radon foils -insulation of…