František Bulín - projektová činnost
Construction work : - turnkey constructions -tiling, paving -plasterboard -insulation facades (registration in green savings) -wiring.
Construction work : - turnkey constructions -tiling, paving -plasterboard -insulation facades (registration in green savings) -wiring.
plumbing,. -Plumbing repairs -sanitary technology -bathroom equipment -water distribution (metal, plastic) -apartments, houses, gardens -sewerage distribution -assembly-baths, faucets, washbasins, shower enclosures, wall-hung toilets, boilers, additional bathroom equipment, kitchen sinks -minor repairs-leaks in wiring, cleaning of household waste The work also includes the initial free…
Tesařství, střechy, pokrývačství, pokládka podlah, čištění kanalizací. -vodo topo plyn -plynoinstalace -podlahářské práce -plovoucí podlahy -strojní čištění kanalizací -generální opravy střech -pokrývačství -klempířství -plastová okna. Oprava, servis: -domácí spotřebiče elektrické i plynové. Revize: -plyn, elektro. Autodoprava: -autojeřáb, jeřáb AD20.
Tiling work: -Renovation of a panel housing core (core) on a turnkey basis (demolition of a Umakart core and construction of a new one from YTONG blocks) -reconstruction of kitchen (kitchen) and bathroom in the house -tiling work, bathroom tiling -interior tiling, wall cladding, mosaics -indoor and outdoor paving -locking paving, sidewalks -washed tiles. -reconstruction of family houses…
Services, repair, reconstruction, installation: -water, water, gas -watering, plumbing work -heating work -Gas work.
Production, distribution: -thermal energy. Craft, work: -plumbing -heating.
Water, heat, gas. Water, plumber: -plumbing work -wiring -water supply, sewerage -water. Topo, heating, heating work. Gas, gasman, gasman, gas works.
Práce: -sádrokartonářské - vodoinstalatérství - topenářské práce
Vodoinstalace, topenářské práce: -kompletní rozvody ústředního a etážového topení (měď*, ocel) -rekonstrukce a opravy stávajících topných systémů -radiátory, kotle, regulace -rozvody vody (plast, pozink, měď*) -sanitární technika (dodávka, instalace) -odpady, kanalizace (montáž). Zajištění: -projektová dokumentace -rozvod plynovodu včetně revize -záruční a pozáruční…
Implementation, assembly, service, repair: - water, heating, gas - plumbing work -heating works - gas works - waterman, heating man, gas man - plumbing work - installation of central heating-electric heating - installation of gas installation and revision. - underfloor heating Installation of boilers, all types. Sales, retail, - everything for plumbers and heating engineers. …
Sales, installation, repair, service, services: -water-topo-gas -installation material -central heating -gas appliances -water installation, gas installation -pressure tests + revision -boiler, boilers -lining of chimneys, chimney.
Kompletní dodávka všech instalačních prací od projektu po revize. Montáž elektro-vodo-topo. TZB. Výstavba a přeložky NTL a STL plynovody a přípojky.Kompletní dodávky plynofikace do domu včetně přípojky a montáže plynoměru. Výstavba vodovodů, vodovody, kanalizace, vodovodní, kanalizační přípojky. Zemní práce. Technologie kotelen, kotelny včetně měření, regulace a rekonstrukce. Rozvody…
Gas service. Repair, service, revision: -gas boilers, appliances Quantum, Qvadriga, Karma, Gazex, Destila, Occean, Baxi, Viadrus, Mora. Water, heat, gas. Plumbing, heating, gas works.
Projekce, projektová činnost: -plynové topení -vytápění -vzduchotechnika -plyn, voda -technické zařízení budov -kanalizace, kanalizací.
Construction activity: - civil and residential buildings -engineering and water management structures -partner of the POROTHER House program. Work: - water-heating-gas -installation - heating -plumbing - gas industry -electrical installation (electrical installation). Production-electric switchboards -low current, EPS, EZS.
Services: Thermont Water-hot-gas: - water installations, heating installations, gas installations -revision - installation of heating, gas and water - copper and plastic -repairs and modifications of distribution systems and pipelines - installation, replacement, repair - radiators, gas appliances and plumbing equipment, electric pumps, darlings, hand pumps for wells - delivery of material…
Work, wholesale, retail: - plumbing, - heating, - plumbing.
Přestavba, rekonstrukce: - bytová jadra Prodej, maloobchod: - obklady a dlažby - keramika a vany Montáž plovoucích podlah
WATER - TOPO - GAS: - plumbing work -heating works - gas works -water distribution, sewerage, including reconstruction - reconstruction and construction of gas boilers -central heating, classic heating -floor heating -installation of industrial gas pipelines, domestic gas pipelines - revisions, pressure tests -regulating station.
tel.č.neověřeno Instalace vody, odpadu, plynu, topení a klimatizace
Jaroslav Zvědělík, based in Hodonín, deals in the sale of heating and energy saving products. We also offer assembly and service, incl. consultancy. Our company also offers consulting, sales, installation and service of solar systems: - solar systems for heating domestic hot water (DHW) - solar systems for hot water heating and pool water heating - solar systems for hot water heating,…
Wholesale, retail, sale: - plumbing copper - heating material -pipes made of PVC*, copper, bronze -gas, electric boilers and heaters -radiators, heaters, air conditioners, stoves, siphons, drains, sanitary ceramics, flushing sets, bathtubs, showers, batteries, ... Complete assembly, reconstruction, replacement, service: - plumbing -gas pipelines -radiators, heating and related equipment.…