Plasterboard work

So you've decided to plasterboard? Take advantage of the plaster work including ceiling simply sheathed, partitions mutually sheathed, attic and wall. The services and painting and coating plasterboard, the insertion of insulation and insertion of the foil.

Milan Jureček

Provádíme výstavby střech na klíč, dále poskytujeme klempířské, sádrokartonářské práce. Poskytujeme záruku na práci v délce 60 měsíců. Reference od klientů.Jsme pojištěni do 10mil. na škody. Práce po celé ČR.

David Bárta

The company deals with the construction and reconstruction of civil and industrial buildings. Our main activities include performing the following work: -bases, foundation slabs, rough constructions, facades and their insulation, insulation work, interlocking paving, interior work, tiling, paving, plasterboard et al.

Milan Čuba - zednické práce

Firma Milan Čuba se specializuje na zednické práce, zateplení, fasády, sádrokartony a pokládku zámkové dlažby. Je to spolehlivý partner pro vaše stavební projekty. Milan Čuba má bohaté zkušenosti a jeho tým řemeslníků je šikovný a precizní. Provádíme nejen zednické práce, ale také se zaměřujeme na rekonstrukce, omítky a další stavební práce. Naším cílem je poskytovat kvalitní služby za reálnou…

František Bejdák - řemeslné opravy a rekonstrukce

The company František Bejdák performs reconstructions and reconstructions of houses, flats and non-residential premises. The services we can provide to customers include bathroom renovations, masonry work, plasterboard work, insulation, electrical work, insulation, painting or flooring work. We perform all minor repairs at the level of the hourly husband. We are located at Bryksova 15, Prague 9. …


The company MAYTOWN INVEST s.r.o. performs all construction work. We focus on the construction of turnkey houses, as well as the reconstruction of houses or apartments. We provide a wide range of construction activities and we also provide complete project documentation for new constructions or reconstructions of buildings. As part of our activities, we also take care of the gardens and the…


The company STAVBY DAVID s.r.o. has many years of experience in the field of construction work. Our specialization is the construction of family houses, but we also perform the construction of farm buildings, lofts, reconstructions, earthworks and also the laying of interlocking and granite paving. The seat of our company can be found in the town of Mnichovo Hradiště, district of Mladá Boleslav.…

MYPA STAV realizace a rekonstrukce bytů a koupelen s.r.o.

MYPA STAV realization and reconstruction of flats and bathrooms s.r.o. performs all construction work associated with the reconstruction and modification of the interior. We offer quality, reliability and a fixed completion date. You will find our headquarters in Pilsen. Construction work: - reconstruction of bathrooms, apartment cores - reconstruction, interior and kitchen modifications …

Pavel Mašík

The company Pavel Mašík performs all masonry work, installation of plasterboard, paving, painting and varnishing work and maintenance of gardens. Our activities also include the services of an hourly husband. We are located in the village Hodslavice, district Nový Jičín. We perform the following work: - masonry work, bricklayer - installation of plasterboard, ceilings - plasterboard work…


Company DODOSTAV s.r.o. Provides complete construction work. We focus on housing construction, reconstruction of houses, we also provide industrial building construction. We realize quality, ecological and economical turnkey family houses. We are also engaged in other construction activities such as earthwork, insulation, sanitation, waterproofing, roof insulation, plumbing and others. …

Futurity - Alan Klempár

The main activities of the company Futurity - Alan Klempár are cleaning of sewerage and household waste. We also carry out construction work, reconstruction, construction of retaining walls of various materials and excavations for utilities. We are based in Liberec. Sewer cleaning:  - domestic waste treatment  - pipe cleaning, sewer on main rows  - cleaning of clogged waste, toilets,…

ANTON A SYN s.r.o.

The company ANTON A SYN s.r.o. is a family-owned construction company providing comprehensive construction services. The services we are able to provide to our customers include construction of family houses, thermal insulation, reconstruction, bathrooms, tiles, masonry, plasterboard and other craft work. The head office of the company can be found at Kostelní 165, Svoboda nad Úpou, Trutnov…