Plasterboard work

So you've decided to plasterboard? Take advantage of the plaster work including ceiling simply sheathed, partitions mutually sheathed, attic and wall. The services and painting and coating plasterboard, the insertion of insulation and insertion of the foil.

David Novotný

Services: - securing the project, including settling the house in the field - masonry and tiling work - carpentry and roofing work - floor work - plasterboard constructions - plastic windows with German VEKA profile - water - topo - electrical installations - earthworks - graphic designs of bathrooms and interiors


Stavební firma, stavební práce Kompletní stavební práce na klíč: -montáž suchých staveb -sádrokartonové příčky,podhledy -přípravné práce pro stavby. Realizace,stavba,výstavba: -občanské a bytové stavby -průmyslové stavby -rodinných domů. Střední Čechy, Olomouc, Jihomoravský kraj, Zlín. Zelená úsporám -zateplování fasád a budov -vestavby bytů -interiér -sádrokarton…

Robert Dokoupil

Montáž: - sádrokartonové příčky, - dřevěné podlahy - plovoucí podlahy - koberce - stropní podhledy (sádrokarton, palubky) včetně termo a hydroizolace - speciální dveřní a přídavné zámky Výroba a montáž: - mříže a ploty.

Rekodom s.r.o.

Stavební práce, firma: -stavby a demolice -rekonstrukce domů a bytových jader -sádrokartonové systémy -fasády -KNAUF - certifikace na požární sádrokartony -ISOVER - izolace -čištění fasád.

Jan Bilík

Our company Jan Bilík, based in the Zlín district, has been dealing with the complex implementation of tiling and paving in the interior and exterior for almost 15 years. We also install large-format tiles and paving. Our specialization is mainly the reconstruction of bathrooms. We also perform house renovations and building insulation, as well as the supply and installation of plasterboard…


Construction company. General construction supplies. Certificates: - ČSN EN ISO 9001 - ČSN EN ISO 14001 - OHSAS 18001. Construction, building, execution, realization, changes, deletions: Turnkey constructions: - industrial - civil - residential. Delivery and installation: - plasterboard constructions - thermal and sound insulation. Branches: Prague office Nuselská 79/82…

Ing. Luděk Páleníček, Ph.D.

The firm Paleníček carries out earthwork, excavation, water topo gas work, engineering networks from design to implementation. It will also ensure complete supply of pumps and waterworks and the wells provide well work including hydrogeological documentation, construction project. We focus on mined, drilled wells from A-Z, dug wells. We clean the water and well and ensure water hardness…

Jan Vald

Velux skylights Carpentry. Roofing. Plasterboard. Work, assembly: - carpentry - roofing - turnkey roofs, including delivery of material - plasterboard - floating floors