Painting, varnishing and wall papering work

Painting work shall not include only painting the interiors and exteriors, but also wallpapering, painting of facades, minor masonry work, gypsum plaster and coating of windows, doors and radiators. All of these acts are used high quality paints in many shades.

CZ-Akvaplast, s.r.o.

Reconstruction of roofs. Restoration of old roofs without dismantling. For the reconstruction of roofs, we use bitumen strips, a technology developed to insulate all building elements - including pitched and flat roofs - suitable for family homes, recreational facilities and industrial buildings.

Color A.N.P. s.r.o.

Color A.N.P. s.r.o. offers professional painting work. We provide painting of cars, furniture and kitchen doors of various materials. Our other activities include bodywork, car repair and veteran renovation. You can find us in Boskovice on Havlíčkova street. Painting work, paint shop:  - paint shop  - car painting work  - painting of cars  - furniture painting (high gloss, semi-matt, matt)…

color lakdesiGn, s.r.o.

-Poskytování služeb pro zemědělství, zahradnictví, rybníkářství, lesnictví a myslivost -Nakládání s reprodukčním materiálem lesních dřevin -Chov zvířat a jejich výcvik (s výjimkou živočišné výroby) -Úprava nerostů, dobývání rašeliny a bahna -Výroba potravinářských a škrobárenských výrobků -Pěstitelské pálení -Výroba krmiv, krmných směsí, doplňkových látek a premixů -Výroba textilií,…