Painting, varnishing and wall papering work

Painting work shall not include only painting the interiors and exteriors, but also wallpapering, painting of facades, minor masonry work, gypsum plaster and coating of windows, doors and radiators. All of these acts are used high quality paints in many shades.

Pro Builders A-Z s.r.o.

Construction company Pro Builders A-Z s.r.o. deals with the construction of family houses, apartment buildings, reconstruction of buildings, apartments and commercial buildings. We provide insulation of buildings, revitalization of apartment buildings, foundation boards, plasterboard work, painting work, tiling and tiling work, floor laying, electrical installation, plumbing work, demolition,…

Petr Kmoch

The company Petr Kmoch offers painting, painting and wallpapering works. I also carry out plastering, plasterboard work and minor masonry work. I use quality materials and have been in the field for many years. I will help you choose a suitable material and recommend a suitable implementation procedure. Crafts: - painting works - painting works - wallpaper work - plastering -…

firma BLÁHA s.r.o.

The Bláha family company carries out painting, painting, wallpapering and masonry work, including facades. We are a full member of the Guild of Painters, Varnishers and Upholsterers of the Czech Republic. We only employ experienced professional craftsmen on a permanent basis who are properly trained in their field. If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us, we…

Petr Julínek - stavební práce

The Petr Julínek company from the village of Ladná in the district of Břeclav provides a varied range of construction works. Our portfolio of services includes masonry work, installation of plasterboard, reconstruction of housing cores, laying of interlocking and ceramic tiles, painting, painting and locksmith work. If you are interested in our service offer, do not hesitate to contact us.…

Stavby Coufal

Pokud hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní firmu, která se zabývá výstavbou a rekonstrukcí výtahových šachet a konstrukcí, pak je pro vás správnou volbou Stavby Coufal. Tato firma se sídlem v Jistebníku 439 v okrese Nový Jičín má dlouholeté zkušenosti a spokojené zákazníky v celém regionu. Společnost nabízí širokou škálu služeb, mezi které patří: - opláštění deskami fermacell, sádrokarton, cetris…

Comfort General Services inc., s.r.o.

Pokud hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní firmu, která se zabývá elektrikářskými, topenářskými, instalatérskými, malířskými a zednickými pracemi, pokládkou podlah a dalšími službami pro váš domov nebo kancelář, pak je pro vás správnou volbou společnost Comfort General Services inc., s.r.o. Společnost Comfort General Services inc., s.r.o. má bohaté zkušenosti s realizací různých projektů od malých…

2tahy s.r.o.

Firma 2tahy s.r.o. je profesionální úklidová a malířská společnost, která nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro domácnosti i firmy již od roku 2014. Ať už potřebujete pravidelný nebo jednorázový úklid, umytí oken, vyčištění čalouněného nábytku, vymalování bytu, kanceláře nebo obchodu, 2tahy s.r.o. vám zajistí kvalitní a spolehlivou práci za přijatelné ceny. Společnost 2tahy s.r.o. působí v…

MatyPro s.r.o. - vyklízení nemovitostí

MatyPro s.r.o. offers its customers real estate clearance and construction work. As part of real estate clearance, we will be happy to take care of the evacuation of flats or living spaces, including assistance with eviction, houses, cottages, cottages, barns, homesteads, cellars, attics, commercial premises, hotels, boarding houses, warehouses, companies, offices and all non-residential…

Jiří Štodt - instalatérské práce

The company Jiří Štodt, based in the city of Brno, deals with all plumbing, gas and heating works. As part of our activity, we also offer servicing of refrigeration equipment and catering equipment, rough preparation of wiring and installation of all components, as well as assembly of furnishings. At the same time, you can contact us with a request for the implementation of air conditioners…

Petr Poledna - malíř, natěrač

Pokud hledáte profesionálního malíře a natěrače, který vám zkrášlí váš domov nebo kancelář, obraťte se na firmu Petr Poledna z Kopřivnice. Tato firma má dlouholeté zkušenosti s malováním interiérů i exteriérů, opravami prasklin, drobnými zednickými pracemi a dalšími službami souvisejícími s úpravou stěn a zdí. Firma Petr Poledna používá pouze kvalitní a ekologické materiály, nabízí širokou…

Josef Slaný

Room painter Josef Slaný offers classic painting, painting, gluing wallpaper and borders, painting and renovating wooden doors and windows, painting facades, painting roofs, painting concrete and wooden floors, and painting radiators. We paint apartments, offices, halls, schools, family houses, corridors, staircases, etc. We paint in white and colored paint. We paint windows, doors,…

Pavel Mayer - Pamaservis

The management and maintenance of buildings, cleaning of offices and warehouses or complex painting and wall papering will be provided by Pavel Mayer - PAMASERVIS. We are based in the district of Příbram, village Mokřany. Services, work: - cleaning work - single and regular cleaning - cleaning of houses, offices, warehouses, shops - general cleaning - washing windows and glass partitions …

Stavba Bartoš, s.r.o.

Our construction company, which has been operating for more than 25 years, mainly in Kladno and its surroundings. We implement constructions of larger and smaller character. We gained my experience mainly in Germany and subsequently on contracts in the Czech Republic. Over time, we are constantly expanding our services to today's form, which consists mainly of the complete construction of houses,…

FK + D, s.r.o.

Firma FK + D, s.r.o. se sídlem v Praze již více než 20 let nabízí veškeré stavební práce. Zabývá se pokládkou obkladů a dlažeb, malířskými a natěračskými pracemi. Současně provádí také tapetování. V rámci stavebních prací realizuje výstavbu rodinných domů na klíč, rekonstrukce bytů, domů a koupelen na klíč, fasádnické práce, izolace střech, sanace a zateplení. Můžete se na ni obrátit i s…

Stavební firma WŰRZ

The construction company Josef WŰRZ is engaged in construction activities in the field of civil engineering, in which he has many years of experience. We mainly deal with the construction and reconstruction of family and apartment houses and other realizations associated with the construction and reconstruction of civil engineering. We have a capable team of experienced professionals and quality…

Jan Beránek

All masonry work, tiling and paving, renovation of apartments, all this and much more is carried out by the company Jan Beránek from Kralup nad Vltavou. As part of our services, we provide masonry work to our customers, incl. reconstruction of apartments, family houses and smaller buildings, construction of family houses, tiling and paving, interlocking paving, plasterboard, facades, floating…