Painting, varnishing and wall papering work

Painting work shall not include only painting the interiors and exteriors, but also wallpapering, painting of facades, minor masonry work, gypsum plaster and coating of windows, doors and radiators. All of these acts are used high quality paints in many shades.

PERM - Petr Marášek

Stavby, stavební práce, zednické práce, rekonstrukce. Řemeslo: - dlaždič-dlažby - obkladač-obklady - vodoinstalace - práce ve výškách, výškové práce - malby, nátěry (malíř, natěrač). Fasády, zateplování.

EL-MO - Ján Ročkár

Elektroinstalace. Komplexní opravy bytů. Montáž všech typů sádrokartonů-podhledy-podkroví, příčky, stropy, kazetové stropy. Montáž plovoucích podlah. Malířské práce (nástřiky). Zednické práce. Zámkové a zámecké dlažby. Výroba: -houpací stojany a ručně tkané sítě.

Michal Šrámek - Mi-mal a spol.

We perform: -property maintenance for property owners, housing cooperatives -painting, painting works - cleaning work. We ensure: - electrical installation, maintenance, repairs, new wiring, construction workers, helpers -construction work -plaster coats - cutting grooves, excavations, ... All at unbeatable prices, fast and high quality.

Petr Biler

Our services mainly consist of interior painting of rooms, Gotelle decorative sprays and all associated painting work, including painting facades of family houses and cleaning carpets. We want to continue to strengthen our position on the market, especially by focusing on meeting the requirements, needs and expectations of you customers.


Construction company SKROSTAV s.r.o. performs all construction work. We are engaged in the construction of family houses, reconstruction of buildings, revitalization of prefabricated houses and work in the field of water, heat, gas. We are located in the village Těrlicko - Horní Těrlicko, district Karviná. Construction company, work: - construction of family houses - thermal insulation -…