Construction activity, construction: - family houses - grounding, reconstruction - renovation of bathrooms - plasterboard works - masonry work - tiling works - painting works
Insulation-family houses. Masonry work, reconstruction, housing cores.
Crafts, services - masonry work - tiling works - insulation of facades - concreting - hourly husband: painting work, babysitting, garden maintenance, cleaning, assistance to the elderly - home decoration, sewing curtains, upholstery
Montáž: - garážové brány. Tesařské práce. Septiky: - čističky odpadních vod. Elektropráce: - revize. Revize: - komíny. Plynoinstalční práce: - revize. Montáž: - žaluzie. Hydroizolační práce. Zednické práce Instalaterské práce
We offer masonry, painting, painting, tiling and scaffolding work. We paint houses, apartments, offices and non-residential premises. Our activities include professional masonry and tiling work. We are based in Prostějov.
Construction company Kasadra, s.r.o. operates in the Zlín Region and the South Moravian Region. It focuses mainly on the reconstruction of houses and apartments and the implementation and reconstruction of the sloping roof. He works in the fields of plasterboard, construction, masonry, tiling work. Realization: - attic installations - dividing plasterboard partitions - ceiling,…
Delivery and installation - the door Delivery and installation - blinds - blinds - mosquito nets Pool roofing Delivery and installation - windows (plastic, aluminum and wooden) - doors (wooden, exterior, balcony and aluminum) - windowsills Delivery and installation - winter gardens Masonry work Delivery and installation -…
Coatings Assembly and dismantling - scaffolding Preparatory work for buildings - construction work Jetting Locksmith work
Assembly: - swimming pools - stairs - tiling, paving. Reconstruction: - bathrooms - residential cores. Masonry work.
Masonry work Plasterboard works Tiling works Masonry work
Tesařské práce Zateplení - fasády - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Obklady - dlažby i zámky Stavební prácerekonstrukce - stavby Střechy na klíč - výměny krytin od 01.01.2016 do 31.12.2030
Construction - chimneys Sale - building material Height work Earthworks using the Loc 750 machine Construction work
Painting coatings Electrical work Plasterboard works Tiling works Construction and masonry work reconstruction - residential cores Water and waste distribution
Insulation work Earthwork Construction and reconstruction of halls, family houses, buildings - family houses from the ground up - a turnkey turnkey project - paving + tiling - interior, old - apartments
Work: - reconstruction of residential cores -plasterboards - tiling -masonry