Masonry, Bricklaying

Masonry work involve many sub-activities in the form of linings of exterior walls of houses, repair of outdoor and indoor plasters, buildings, sanitation of the plaster, the reconstruction of residential cores, artistic bricklaying activities, cast floors, plastering or insulation of objects.

Zdenek Čerešňa

Úprava exteriérů a interiérů. Dokončovací specializované stavební práce. Montáž: - sádrokartony s konečnou úpravou - penetrace - stříkání. Remodeling, rekonstrukce: - kuchyňské linky - krby i s vytápěním domů - koupelny - obkladačky, dlažby s mozaikou a ornamenty. Práce: - malířské - lakýrnické - natěračské.

Lukáš Ašer

Demolition, demolition work. Demolition: - iron structures (masts, bridges, halls, buildings, reservoirs, old factories, mine shafts) - throughout the Czech Republic. Redemption: - ferrous, non-ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Painting works. Laying of floating floors. Plasterboard partitions. Installation of linings. Terrain work. Mowing the grass. Felling trees and splitting wood.…

REVISK PLUS s.r.o. - Šodek, Kotola

Revitalization. Roofs, roof coverings - complete implementation, reconstruction, repairs. Windows, doors. Insulation, facades. Work: - masonry - plasterboard - plumbing, carpentry, roofing - plumbing - water, gas, heating - electrical installation - new, replacement of electrical installation, installation of lightning rods, electrical revision.

Kamil Rudl, s.r.o.

We are a construction company, specializing in brick facades and interiors with a tradition since 1997. We implement face-to-face masonry or cladding for attractive, stylish and practical solutions for facades and interiors. Use on family houses or fences, walls or gardens. Construction company - specialization in: - brick facades and interiors - facades of family houses - facade work …

Jaromír Horbal

Buildings, construction activity: - all masonry and construction work - reconstruction - new buildings - insulation of buildings and objects - installation of plasterboard - exterior finishing - paving - facade and plastering works - tiling, paving - installation - fireplaces.


Construction company SKROSTAV s.r.o. performs all construction work. We are engaged in the construction of family houses, reconstruction of buildings, revitalization of prefabricated houses and work in the field of water, heat, gas. We are located in the village Těrlicko - Horní Těrlicko, district Karviná. Construction company, work: - construction of family houses - thermal insulation -…

David Pawlas - REST

Reconstruction - constructions. Construction work. Reconstruction, modernization: - bathrooms - housing cores - kitchen - flats, family houses. Renovation: - non-residential premises - offices. Construction: - turnkey family houses. Work: - masonry - tiling, tiling - plasterboard. Complete realization of interiors. 3D designs.

Pavel Kaštan - Interiéry & Kafe Servis

Rekonstrukce koupelen a interiérů - projekce, realizace. Bytové interiéry na klíč. Služby bytového architekta. Práce: - elektroinstalace - vodoinstalace - zednické, omítkářské - obklady, dlažby - sádrokartonářské. Servis, instalace: - kávovary (domácí, profesionální, pákové). Sídlo firmy: - U Parku 2868/3, Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava.

MarPet - Marek Rückauf

We offer plumbing, heating and gas work, water distribution and central heating, including gas. Revision of gas and gas boilers. We reconstruct bathrooms, apartment cores and electrical installations, including tiling and masonry work. Floor heating. ? Our services: - plumbing work - water distribution - heating work - central heating distribution - gas works - gas distribution,…


Construction: - plasterboard structures, Knauf plasterboard, Rigips - plasterboard ceilings - mineral ceilings - safety partitions made of plasterboard - SDK partitions (sound insulation) - SDK floors (plasterboard floating floors). Work: - plasterboard - masonry, plastering - gypsum plasters - flooring.

Zbyněk Grochol

Montáž: - sádrokarton - minerální podhledy. Rekonstrukce: - půdní vestavby - rodinné domy, byty. Stavba: - ploty - krby. Pokládka: - zámková dlažba. Kovovýroba, montáž: - vrata - brány, branky - mříže. Práce: - sádrokartonářské - zednické - dlaždičské - stavebně zámečnické.