Masonry, Bricklaying

Masonry work involve many sub-activities in the form of linings of exterior walls of houses, repair of outdoor and indoor plasters, buildings, sanitation of the plaster, the reconstruction of residential cores, artistic bricklaying activities, cast floors, plastering or insulation of objects.

Josef Tancoš - Stavební práce

The company Josef Tancoš provides its customers with services in the field of construction work. We focus mainly on earthworks and excavations, demolition work, landscaping, foundation slabs, utilities, demolition of concrete and masonry or masonry and stonework. We are located at Gen. Svobody 133, Nový Bor, district Česká Lípa. Construction activity, work: - manual and machine earthworks -…

Martin Špička

Services: - masonry work - tiling work - painting works - plasterboard work - complete interior realization - custom furniture - assembly of kitchen units and furniture - maintenance of greenery, pruning of shrubs, felling of trees - property management and maintenance - non-stop emergency service - heating, water, gas, sewerage - clearing and cleaning of real estate.

Martin Ráža

Firma Martin Ráža se sídlem v okrese Příbram nabízí veškeré zednické práce, obklady, zateplování fasád i podkroví, ruční omítky, rekonstrukce koupelen a rodinných domů, sádrokartonové stropy i příčky, pokládku zámkové a kamenné dlažby a další stavební služby. Nabízené služby: - stavební práce - obklady - pokládka dlažeb - zateplování fasád a podkroví - ruční omítky - sádrokartony -…