Bohuslav Augustin se zaměřuje na zednictví, pokrývačství, tesařství a izolatérství.
Masonry, carpentry - construction of family houses - plasterboard works - masonry work - insulation of facades - demolition work - carpentry work.
Realization of interiors - decorative plasters - supply and installation of non-pink railings - imitation of suspended concrete - cement cast floors.
Pokrývačství, tesařství Montáž, opravy, revize a zkoušky elektrických zařízení Klempířství a oprava karoserií -půjčování nahraných zvukových a zvukově obrazových záznamů -koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej vyjma zboží uvedeného v příl. 2-3 zák. č. 455/91 Sb. -zemní práce Zednictví Malířství, lakýrnictví a natěračství Montáž, opravy, revize a zkoušky plynových zařízení a…
Boris Jaroš se zaměřuje na stavební činnost, montáž sádrokartónů a zateplení.
Construction activity - construction of family houses - reconstruction of buildings - demolition - ground and excavation work - masonry work - plasterboard works - cleaning work - painting works. Sale of building materials.
Work: - plumbing - heating - gas company - minor masonry work - excavation and earthworks.
Construction company - construction of family houses - reconstruction of buildings - insulation of buildings - masonry work.
We have been operating on the market for 25 years and offer a complete range of floor coverings (RIGID, Moduleo, Thermofix or VEPO vinyl floating floors, Egger or Krono laminate floors, wooden floors, PVC, Novilon, carpets, parquet...). Professional installation of flooring by trained workers is a matter of course. We offer ERKADO interior doors, which we deliver in extremely short periods at…
Production, sales, service and assembly: - windows, doors, gates - plasterboards, reconstruction of housing cores - insulation of buildings - renovation of bathrooms - minor construction work. Production and warehouses in Neplachovice Cihelní 238, 747 74 Neplachovice tel. 553 619 255
Plasterboard works Tiling works Masonry work - reconstruction of housing cores.
Coatings of facades, windows, doors - painting works Painting works Construction finishing work Renovation - Eternite roofs
Masonry. Carpentry, flooring. Production: - plastic windows and accessories - winter gardens - blind systems.
Metalworking. Locksmithing, locksmith work. Wholesale. Preparatory construction work.
Construction company. Construction work. Masonry work. Masonry. Preparatory work at the construction site. Terrain work. Engineering constructions.
Services: - machine plasters - masonry work - thermal insulation systems - Self-leveling floor
Masonry. Tiling and paving. Insulated facades, decorative plaster. Plasterboard assembly.