Masonry, masonry work, construction work. We carry out plasterboard works, including installation of skylights.
Activity: - production of plasters - reconstruction of historic buildings and facades
Construction work: - facades - construction of family houses - interlocking paving - fences.
Masonry, reconstruction and gluing of tiles and paving.
Work: - roofing - plumbing - work at heights - painting - masonry.
Pokud hledáte společnost, která se zabývá kamenictvím a zednictvím, můžete se obrátit na kamenictví Josefa Sotony. Nabízíme širokou škálu služeb, které zahrnují renovaci památek, zednické práce, výrobu i montáž kamenických prvků, dlažeb, zídek, krbů, náhrobků, křížků, sloupků, koryt, erbů, váz, popelníků, svícnů a pomníků. Používáme kvalitní materiály, jako je mramor, žula, pískovec,…
Masonry and insulation - construction of turnkey houses - reconstruction of apartment cores - reconstruction of family houses - masonry work - tiling work - facade insulation.
- Provision of technical services -Artistic metal processing -Repairs and maintenance of household items, objects of a cultural nature, fine mechanical products, optical instruments and gauges -Preparatory and finishing construction work, specialized construction activities -Surface treatment and welding of metals and other materials -Manufacturing metal structures and metalwork products …
Jiří Zich se zaměřuje na obkladačské, instalatérské, zednické a zámečnické práce.
Locksmithing, locksmith work. Heating, heating works. Plumbing, plumbing work. Masonry, masonry work.
Plumbing. Locksmithery. Finishing construction work. Masonry. Painting, painting and painting.
Masonry - new buildings, reconstruction of houses, bathrooms
Construction activity, work: - mason, masonry - family houses - reconstruction - fireplaces - plasterboard
Construction activity - repairs and reconstruction of houses, apartments - bathroom renovation - masonry work - tiling work - plasterboard work - facade insulation.
-Dokončovací stavební práce Zámečnictví, nástrojářství
Construction activity - construction of family houses - reconstruction of buildings - masonry work - facade insulation - plasterboard - tiling, paving - bathrooms and apartment cores.
Plumbing, gas, construction and masonry work. Reconstruction of family houses and facades. Laying tiles and paving. Insulation and plastering.