Masonry, Bricklaying

Masonry work involve many sub-activities in the form of linings of exterior walls of houses, repair of outdoor and indoor plasters, buildings, sanitation of the plaster, the reconstruction of residential cores, artistic bricklaying activities, cast floors, plastering or insulation of objects.

Elgama a spol., Sdružení řemeslníků - Jan Hanes

Construction work: - reconstruction - family houses, flats - turnkey bathrooms - attic installations - installation of plasterboard, mineral ceilings, Vedi systems - masonry work - tiling work - carpentry work (installation of a skylight). Water-heating-gas. Plumbing work. Heating work. Gas works. Wiring, inspection. Assembly, repairs: - bells, home phones. Electrical…

R&K Gabion s.r.o.

Stavební práce. Výstavba: - gabionové stěny (gabiony): - stavební konstrukce pro opěrné, obkladní, protihlukové a vodohospodářské stavby. Zednické práce. Zemní práce. Ruční výkopové práce. Dlažby, obklady - dlaždičské, obkladačské práce.

Jan Barabáš

Construction and masonry work. Production: - stone concrete blocks. Terrain work. Earth and excavation works. Excavations for utility networks - water supply, gas pipeline, sewerage. Sale: - sand - gravel - soil - bark mulch. Demolition and demolition work. Debris and waste disposal. Truck transport - domestic: - construction, bulk material.

PFB strojní omítky s.r.o.

Company PFB machine plasters s.r.o. is a specialist in the implementation of interior and exterior machine plasters of quality materials from proven manufacturers. We make plaster, clay, lime-cement and lightweight plasters. Our other activities include plaster screeds and facade insulation. Our activities, work:  - machine plastering  - lime-cement plaster  - clay plaster  - lightweight…

Ricka Karel s.r.o.

Stavební firma: - stavby na klíč - zařízení projektové dokumentace - rekonstrukce staveb - zednické práce - klempířské práce - sádrokartonářské práce - zateplování objektů a podkroví Autodoprava - kontejnerová doprava.