Masonry, Bricklaying

Masonry work involve many sub-activities in the form of linings of exterior walls of houses, repair of outdoor and indoor plasters, buildings, sanitation of the plaster, the reconstruction of residential cores, artistic bricklaying activities, cast floors, plastering or insulation of objects.

Vamax s.r.o.

Realization of roofs according to the project documentation, repairs even without a project: - complete deliveries of works and materials for the construction of roofs and roof repairs for residential, industrial, commercial and historic buildings. Our specialization: - broken roofs requiring professional craftsmanship - building complexes demanding work capacity - plumbing artistic…

TEZA, s.r.o.

Emergency service gas, heating, water, cleaning of waste pipes - phone: 736514904 Gas service, repairs, authorized service. Construction company, work: - masonry and tiling - gas plumbing - heating - plumbing - electrical installation - flooring Retail, Sales, Installation: - bathroom equipment - bathtubs, sinks - sanitary ceramics - RAF battery - bathroom…

Háse Václav

Služby, práce: - veškeré zednické práce - obklady, dlažby - omítky - strojní omítky - štuky malba - betonové potěry, lité betony - samonivelační stěrky podlah - zateplení fasád, polystyren, minerální vata - kompletní rekonstrukce domů, bytů, bytového jádra - stavba domů - možnost zajištění plastových oken a dveří a další.

BLOUDEK, s.r.o.

A versatile craftsman and builder specializing in bathrooms, housing cores and complete apartment renovations. Professional education and over 20 years of experience, own company for 10 years (reconstruction of more than 200 bathrooms and 30 apartments, also entire family houses).