Masonry, Bricklaying

Masonry work involve many sub-activities in the form of linings of exterior walls of houses, repair of outdoor and indoor plasters, buildings, sanitation of the plaster, the reconstruction of residential cores, artistic bricklaying activities, cast floors, plastering or insulation of objects.

Doubek Jiří

Zaměření, dodávka, montáž: -plastová okna -vchodové dveře -likvidace starých oken -zednické začištění -žaluzie -parapety -rolety -sítě proti hmyzu.

Hruška Jan

Služby: -vodoinstalatérské práce -vodovody vnitřní, venkovní -rekonstrukce rozvodů vody a odpadů -rekonstrukce potrubí -bytové rozvody včetně dodávky zařizovacích předmětů -bojlery, elektrické ohřívače vody, vodárny -zednické a obkladačské práce -malířské práce -sádrokartonářské práce -půdní vestavby -bytová jádra.

Vladislav Procházka

Services: - construction and rehabilitation work - turnkey buildings -lock tiles - facade plasters - internal plasters - rehabilitation plasters -plasterboards - insulation of facades - tiling and paving -concrete screeds - Ytong and Porotherm masonry -base concretes - all other minor construction work - debris removal.

Střechy V+M, s.r.o.

Services: -construction work - masonry work -soil constructions -editing -carpentry -roofing -complete reconstruction of roofs -plumbing -installation of skylights - painting -cleaning of gutters including reconstruction of all plumbing elements from the high-lift platform -masonry and plastering work -small plasterboard orders - roof coverings BRAMAX, KM BETA -…

GEFOS inženýring, s.r.o.

Services: - performance of land surveying activities -geological works -project activity in construction - provision of services in the field of safety and health protection while working - implementation of constructions, their changes and removal of the so-called demolition of buildings -preparatory and finishing construction work, specialized construction activities …

EUROSTAV Tábor s.r.o.

Kompletní realizace staveb, stavby na klíč. Práce: -stavební -podlahářské -vodoinstalatérské -pokrývačské -klempířské -zednické -topenářské -zámečnické -tesařské -malířské -natěračské -elektrikářské -izolatérské.

STATUS stavební a.s.

Stavební akciová společnost STATUS stavební a.s. consists of three divisions based in Humpolec, Pelhřimov and Pacov. The administrative department, including the technical and economic department, is located at Nádražní Street 998, Humpolec. Our company has fully equipped carpentry and locksmith workshops, including a mechanization, transport center and facilities for individual centers. We…


Building and business firm. Complete realization of building construction, turnkey projects. Services: -construction work -flooring -plumbing work -roofing: -classic, flat roofs -fusible metal strips, semi-modified and full modified foils VEDAG -tin work -brickwork -heating engineering -locksmithery, metalwork -timber work, carpentry -painting -paintwork -electricians work: …

Hober s.r.o

Reconstruction and construction of family and apartment houses and commercial buildings. Laying of polystyrene concrete, poured floors and gypsum screeds. Services: -construction work Production: -polystyrene concrete -lightened concrete -self-leveling screed -anhydrite screed -floor coverings

HRUŠKA stavební spol. s.r.o. - stříkané izolační pěny HONTER

Services: -all masonry work - new buildings - reconstruction of buildings, - attic buildings - rough constructions - insulation of facades - mineral wool, polystyrene, machine plaster -facades, scaffolding - refined plasters -warming -concretes and poured concretes - plasterboard works - machine plasters -ceramic tiles and tiling -complete deliveries including…

Libor Majer

Služby-řemeslo: -rozvody vody, kanalizace, topení -instalatérské práce -drobné stavební práce -solární systémy -centrální vysavače -půdní mikrofon (HYDROLUX) -zjišťování poruch vodovodních sítí -zjišťování tras metalichých kovů (VIRAX)

Marcel Pecka

Construction work: - insulation of facades - insulation of buildings and houses - thermal insulation -flat roofs - masonry work - reconstruction and rebuilding of buildings - residential cores. Rental, rental: -scaffolding.