Locksmith work

Locksmith work includes installation of door panels and their repair, replacement of locks, opening slammed apartments, vehicles and safes, installation of security features, the installation of safety systems and additional services related to the door locks and property protection.

ZALBO s.r.o.

Výroba, montáž: -schody, zábradlí -nerezového zábradlí, madla -jistící madla na schody a chodby -kovové atypické interiérové výrobky, včetně z nerezu -pojezdové a otočné brány -stojany na kola -zakružování profilů a trubek -ostatní zámečnická výroba a montáž dle požadavku.


Wholesale, sale: - metallurgical material - reinforcing steel - steel, galvanized, aluminum, stainless steel sheets - PUR panels - trapezoid coverings, facade systems. Services - dividing the material with board scissors up to 16mm/3000mm - machine cutting, angle cutting, plasma cutting, autogenous set - bending of concrete reinforcement. Locksmith production

Roman Skoták

Provádění staveb, jejich změn a odstraňování: Stavební zámečnictví - ploty, brány, zábrany. Podlahářské práce: -parkety, kladení nových a renovace starších -koberce, PVC, korek, plovoucí podlahy -malířské práce -stínící technika.

Stavby Toman

The company Stavby Toman performs all construction and earthworks. We implement new constructions, reconstructions of buildings, sloping and flat roofs, plaster, thermal insulation, earthworks and stone carpets. We have extensive experience in the field and we implement turnkey orders. We are located in Meziříčko near Letovice. Our activity:  - new buildings  - reconstruction of houses,…


about company ALMARK is a Czech company providing supply solutions for companies operating in the construction industry and in the field of welding and locksmith work. The purpose of the company The purpose of ALMARK is to help companies successfully complete projects, save their time and bring joy to work. We do this through comprehensive know-how and effective tools, thanks to which our…

Bc. Pavel Jadrný

Production, assembly: -steel windows, doors (JANSEN system) -steel fire shutters (JANSEN system, fire resistance EW, EI and S) - steel structures, bridge railings -other steel structures (balconies, fences, etc.) Surface treatment with polyurethane with KOMAXIT powder paints or hot-dip galvanizing. Mailbox delivery. Assembly and installation of home telephones and bell panels. …

WFmetal, s.r.o.

Custom production: - custom consoles and masts - custom production of building locksmith elements (loggias, balconies, stair sets, railings, gates, gate systems, gratings, etc.) -workshop hobby tables from L profiles -production of components, parts and final products, according to the customer's order Locksmith work -welding of structures ("black" and stainless steel materials, aluminum) …

MONTEF s.r.o.

We are a Jihlava construction company founded in 2008 operating mainly in the Vysočina region. Our work is a complex construction activity. We focus on: Revitalization of prefabricated and apartment buildings, facade insulation Construction of houses, implementation of civil and industrial buildings Metal production and construction locksmithing Production of containers for car…

Karel Dočkal

Montáž, servis, prodej: -dojící technika -montáž a oprava starého i nového dojícího zařízení, rekonstrukce -veškerý prodej náhradních dílů na nové i staré dojírny -nové dojírny FULLWOOD, AGROMILK Pelhřimov-celkové dodávky včetně projekce, náhradní díly -konzultace a měření stávajících dojících technologií ke zlepšení kvality mléka -zajištění nezávislých odběrů kvality mléka. Práce: …

Zámečnictví Petr Pojer

Petr Pojer is a locksmith company from Vysočina. We deal with everything related to the security of apartments, houses, companies and other objects. From design, through implementation and subsequent service, including emergency + repair service and opening cars - locks, safes, etc., simply everything that has locks. We will quickly solve your problems with slammed and locked doors, loss of…