Construction company, buildings, work: - insulation of buildings - facades - plasterboards residential cores - bathrooms - paintings-paints - tiling, paving - attic buildings - reconstruction - rehabilitation of waterproofing of balconies and loggias. Other activities: - machine and air applications paint materials - modifications, reconstruction - masonry and locksmith…
Výroba, kovovýroba, zámečnicvtí: -zámky a kování -úpravy kovů -nástroje a nářadí.
Výroba, dodávka, prodej: - nerezová zábradlí - opláštění sloupů - interiérové prvky.
Work: - painting - painting work (windows, doors, frames, etc.) - locksmith work (shelves, brackets, gates, gates, etc.) - height work (painting, assembly) Production of signs according to customer requirements (self-adhesive film, color)
Sales, flooring, installation: -laminate and wooden floating floors -pvc -carpets - parquet renovation. Work: - locksmith - joinery - parquet renovation Sample Store: - Pardubice, Dašická 210 - phone: 739935667 -open Mon-Fri 9-17, Sat 9-12.
Work, services: - demolition - locksmith - cleaning - excavation - dismantling of air-conditioning equipment - dismantling of electrical distributions. Production, assembly and disassembly: - steel constructions - painting work.
Construction, painting, carpentry, locksmithing, plumbing, earthwork and gardening work. Painting and plumbing services: - reconstruction of apartments, family houses, offices, fences, insulation of buildings - painting and painting works, decorative coatings and sprays interiors and exteriors from domestic and foreign materials according to samples - washing and painting of facades -…
Technological units: - vibration units - ALFA tire control unit - operator panel MECK 200 - equipment for explosive atmospheres - test bench for PC - custom production of tanks - workshop furniture - custom production - processing of stainless steel material.
Production and assembly : - steel constructions. Trays: - hoppers - dumpsters - transport equipment - parts of technology. Locksmith production: - railings - stairs - steel door - awnings with skylights. Assembly of cladding of halls with trapezoidal sheets and sandwich panels on steel and concrete structures. Coatings in own heated spaces, mainly with high-pressure spraying…
Locksmith, welding and repair work, steel elements and structures, construction metalwork, anchoring and connecting elements for REHAU facade profiles, etc. Emergency repairs, opening and drilling of locks and doors. (Even small orders...) We manufacture - custom steel products and structures (grills, shelves, railings, gates, gates, gates, fences, steel anchors, stairs, railings, tables, beds,…
Montáže sádrokartonu, zateplování opláštění budov, fasády, rekonstrukce bytových jader. Zámečnické práce, opravárenská a údržbářská činnost. tel:. +79264065311
Výroba a prodej zahradních skleníků z válcovaného profilového železa, osvědčená konstrukční řešení a žárově zinkovaná konstrukce. Skleníky nemusí mít podezdívku a mají velmi jednoduchou montáž, automatické větrání a stropní police. Doprava zdarma.
Zámečnictví, zakázková výroba, kovovýroba : - pojezdová vrata a brány na el.pohon - bezpečnostní mříže - městský mobiliář - zábradlí - přístřešky - billboardy - autobusové zastávky
Construction smelter. Transport, supply. - production of steel halls - production of locksmith products - work by truck crane - inspection of electrical equipment
The company JK MONT, s.r.o. manufactures, assembles and modernizes investment units and technological equipment for dryers, silos, rendering plants, feed mills, industrial waste treatment plants or WWTPs. Our production program includes conveyors, elevators, silos and bins, sifters and other machines and equipment for the transport and storage of bulk materials. We also focus on custom metal…
We operate services in the field of metalworking and mechanical locksmithing. - metal machining on CNC, NC and classic machine tools - production of precise machined parts - surface treatment, heat treatment - custom production.
Zámečnictví: -kovoobrábění, frézování, vyvrtávání, soustružení, svařování -výroba schodů, zábradlí apod.
Práce: - zámečnické - topenářské - instalaterské - pokrývačské - sádrokartonářské - montáž střešních oken Velux. Rozvody, projekce, revize: - plynu, vody, topení z oceli, mědi a plastu. Výroba: - zahradní lavice - houpačky, stojany na kola, vozíky na popelnice, dvířka k plynoměrům.
The main production programme: -metal cutting -locksmithery specialized in production and treatment of mechanical components for microwave and high-frequency equipment, including surface finish treatment of supplied parts. Services: -turning -milling -metalwork -hard and soft soldering (Ms, Ag, Al, Sn) -assemblage of half finished products (including manual soldering and…
Locksmithing, toolmaking. - blacksmithing - grilles, fences, gates - earth moving - JCB backhoe loader
Zámečnictví, zámkařství Bubák. Maloobchod, prodej: -klíče, zámky. Výroba: -všechny autoklíče včetně speciálů např.FORD, MERCEDES, OCTAVIA atd. -čipování autoklíčů.
Carpentry work, production: -office furniture. Production and assembly: - computer and special classrooms. Production: - wardrobes. General repairs: -school desk, chair, chair colored frames – fired -powder paint, new top plates and clipboards Production, assembly: - wooden houses, climbing frames, swing, etc. - all work for school needs device -production and…
Construction company. Buildings: -roads, highways, industrial buildings - flood damage removal - construction of a railway corridor - construction of shopping centers (Hypernova, HyperTesco, Futurum...). Road transport: -freight -cranes, lifting equipment, ground machinery. Work: -plumbing - covering - insulating - tiling -masonry - carpentry - locksmith.