Locksmith work

Locksmith work includes installation of door panels and their repair, replacement of locks, opening slammed apartments, vehicles and safes, installation of security features, the installation of safety systems and additional services related to the door locks and property protection.

Šandera Miroslav

Locksmithery: - goals, fences, doors, gates, gratings -welding work, welding in CO - sale of locks and fittings -production of keys according to locks - emergency door opening -custom production -metal production. Production: -cylinder keys-auto keys.

Václav Němec - KALDO

Locksmithing and metal production Václav Němec - KALDO performs complete locksmith work, surface treatment of metals and powder coating. You will find our headquarters in České Budějovice on Sukova Street. Our activity: - locksmith work - metal production - metalworking - surface treatment of metals - powder coating of metals (komaxit). For more information about our offer, do not…

Vladislav Pekárek

Locksmithery: -custom and serial metal production -locksmithing, welding, metalworking, cutting, bending, turning, drilling, turning and surface treatment -production and installation of railings, stairs, atypical, system -accessories for interior and exterior.

PPCH plus s.r.o.

Řemeslnické práce: -povrchová úprava kovů, nerezu -tryskání potrubí do průměru 100 mm ocelovou drtí -tryskání vodou a pískem -pískování strojních součástí karborundem, bolatinou -povrchová úprava nátěru -mytí tryskáním -čištění: -střešní krytiny, sokly, betonové plochy (veškeré druhy) -odstranění mechu ze střešních krytin -opatření střešních krytin ochranným nátěrem …

Pavel Hamerník

Production, assembly of steel structure of industrial and commercial hall, hall, their cladding and insulation. Completion of OK halls and turnkey cladding; supply and installation of thermal insulation systems from PUR panels, basalt non-flammable panels, folded perimeter cladding and roofs, incl. plumbing of painted sheets; suppliers Trimo (Slovenia), Thermo-plastic (Switzerland, Germany),…

HC-Construct s.r.o.

Locksmith production, steel structures, stainless steel, abrasive. Custom atypical production, including assembly. Serial production. Building cladding. Material division: -fall scissors up to 10 mm -plasma firing up to 30 mm. Curling-pipes, jacks, strips. Welding work: -in the protective atmosphere of CO2 -electrode -TIG method -oxygen-acetylene flame. Sale: -grinding and…

H+H technik, s.r.o.

Oprava, servis: -traktory a přípojná vozidla, pracovní stroje a lehká užitková vozidla -měření emisí dieselových motorů všech typů včetně traktorů -příprava a zajištění STK -zámečnické práce.


Production: -garage and industrial sectional gates. Supply, installation, counselling, service: -industrial gates - sectional (running in under a ceiling), folding, rolling -garage doors - sectional - our own production, rolling, turnover, classical -automatic openers, entrance systems -sliding gates - wing, underground drives, barriers, access systems -automatic gate openers …