Insulation work

The most frequently used insulating job is insulation of houses, using insulating materials. Insulation work shall include the insulation of flat roofs, garden ponds, balconies, terraces and reservoirs. Less typical insulation are insulation against pressure water or against radon.

František Bejdák - řemeslné opravy a rekonstrukce

The company František Bejdák performs reconstructions and reconstructions of houses, flats and non-residential premises. The services we can provide to customers include bathroom renovations, masonry work, plasterboard work, insulation, electrical work, insulation, painting or flooring work. We perform all minor repairs at the level of the hourly husband. We are located at Bryksova 15, Prague 9. …

MIRONSTAV s.r.o. - Rodinné domy - rekonstrukce Praha

Construction company MIRONSTAV s.r.o. Will provide you with all the work associated with the exhibition and reconstruction of houses, apartments or other objects. We realize houses, industrial buildings, we also provide restoration of monuments, facades or thermal insulation of buildings. We offer comprehensive services, from the project to the exhibition itself. It cooperates with experts who…

Live Dream Create s.r.o. - Bytová výstavba Praha

Live Dream Create s.r.o. focuses on providing services in the field of construction. We provide complete reconstruction of houses, turnkey constructions, masonry and concrete work, waterproofing and insulation of buildings, dry construction, wooden buildings, carpentry, roofing and plumbing work or interlocking paving. Our other services also include the design and implementation of gardens,…

René Ondrušek

Our company René Ondrušek based in Prague focuses on complex construction activities. We rely primarily on an individual approach and quality services. We specialize in complete renovations of houses and apartments, roof repairs, electrical work, including revisions, plumbing work, including replacement and repair of plumbing and faucets, facade insulation and other construction activities. If…


Hledáte stavební firmu, která vám dokáže nabídnout širokou škálu služeb? Potom neváhejte a obraťte se na společnost PORTISTAV, s.r.o., která sídlí v Praze na adrese Šimůnkova 1607/17. PORTISTAV, s.r.o. je stavební firma, která poskytuje svým zákazníkům širokou paletu stavebních činností. Do jejího portofolia služeb patří bytová i nebytová výstavba, rekonstrukce bytů, domů, koupelen, realizace…

N-mont, spol. s r.o.

The company N-mont, spol. s.r.o. is engaged in construction activities. We offer a complete insulation system including the facade, reconstruction of cellars including cellar bunks, excavation work including insulation, remedial plastering, complete insulation of the roof - Fatrafol and implementation of buildings, their changes and removal. Work: - isolation - reconstruction of cellars…

Jan Říha

Our company focuses primarily on activities in the field of insulation. We offer insulation of flat roofs, terraces, balconies, including sloping and bottom insulation - foil, cardboard. You can also contact us with a request for the realization of foils for ponds or pools. We operate mainly in the Central Bohemia region.


The company FIBOTECH s.r.o. based in Prague, deals with activities in the field of implementation of development projects and real estate activities, as well as in construction activities and, last but not least, in the distribution of building materials. We mainly focus on turnkey construction of family houses, reconstruction of older buildings, insulation and new facades of houses,…

Normativ s.r.o.

Normativ s.r.o. je společnost, která nabízí kompletní péči o váš domov. Ať už potřebujete stavební práce, rekonstrukci domu nebo bytu, realizaci střešního systému, fasádu, bytové jádro nebo koupelnu, elektrikářské, instalatérské práce, pokládání dlažeb nebo obkladů, malířské a lakýrnické práce, autodopravu a stěhování, Normativ s.r.o. vám poskytne kvalitní a profesionální služby za rozumnou cenu.…

MV-IZOL - Vladimir Mrakić

The company MV-IZOL has been on the market for a relatively short time, but our team can be proud of more than 10 years of experience. We perform waterproofing of baseboards, roofs, terraces, balconies and garden ponds using PVC film systems, modified asphalt strips and triflex. We are professionals in our field and have already fulfilled a number of orders. For us, customer satisfaction…

Petr Šimon

Our company deals with interior modifications in the form of dry construction. As part of our services, we are able to lower ceilings, partition the room, soundproof walls or ceilings, insulate or complete attic additions. We also focus on interior design solutions according to your wishes and ideas. Almost anything can be made, whether it is ceiling lighting, TV walls or storage spaces. …

Anesta s.r.o.

The company operating in Prague and its surroundings for more than 20 years is an expert in roof reconstruction and facade reconstruction. We reconstruct the entire roofs and facades of the buildings. We install and supply roof windows brands Velux and Roto. We also install attic stairs brand Wipro. We offer reputable insulation from renowned brands Bauder, Izotec and Linitherm. We provide…

BB building sanace, s.r.o.

BB building is a Prague company dealing with system solutions and technically high-performance products, which benefit architects, designers and investors. We develop and offer cost-effective solutions that are focused on the needs and requirements of the market. We constantly innovate and further develop our products. We provide advice and professional service for our partners. Overview of…

BOMYJO s.r.o.

The company BOMYJO s.r.o. was founded in 2007. The main activity of the company is the implementation of new construction and reconstruction projects. We carry out complete deliveries of construction and assembly work for residential, civil, administrative and industrial buildings. We provide a comprehensive service for the customer, from preparatory work for construction to the actual…